Source code for autotest.client.fsinfo

"""This module gives the mkfs creation options for an existing filesystem.

tune2fs or xfs_growfs is called according to the filesystem. The results,
filesystem tunables, are parsed and mapped to corresponding mkfs options.
import os
import re
import tempfile
    import autotest.common as common
except ImportError:
    import common
from autotest.client.shared import error, utils

[docs]def opt_string2dict(opt_string): """Breaks the mkfs.ext* option string into dictionary.""" # Example string: '-j -q -i 8192 -b 4096'. There may be extra whitespaces. opt_dict = {} for item in opt_string.split('-'): item = item.strip() if ' ' in item: (opt, value) = item.split(' ', 1) opt_dict['-%s' % opt] = value elif item != '': opt_dict['-%s' % item] = None # Convert all the digit strings to int. for key, value in opt_dict.iteritems(): if value and value.isdigit(): opt_dict[key] = int(value) return opt_dict
[docs]def parse_mke2fs_conf(fs_type, conf_file='/etc/mke2fs.conf'): """Parses mke2fs config file for default settings.""" # Please see /etc/mke2fs.conf for an example. default_opt = {} fs_opt = {} current_fs_type = '' current_section = '' f = open(conf_file, 'r') for line in f: if '[defaults]' == line.strip(): current_section = '[defaults]' elif '[fs_types]' == line.strip(): current_section = '[fs_types]' elif current_section == '[defaults]': components = line.split('=', 1) if len(components) == 2: default_opt[components[0].strip()] = components[1].strip() elif current_section == '[fs_types]': m ='(\w+) = {', line) if m: current_fs_type = else: components = line.split('=', 1) if len(components) == 2 and current_fs_type == fs_type: default_opt[components[0].strip()] = components[1].strip() f.close() # fs_types options override the defaults options for key, value in fs_opt.iteritems(): default_opt[key] = value # Convert all the digit strings to int. for key, value in default_opt.iteritems(): if value and value.isdigit(): default_opt[key] = int(value) return default_opt
[docs]def convert_conf_opt(default_opt): conf_opt_mapping = {'blocksize': '-b', 'inode_ratio': '-i', 'inode_size': '-I'} mkfs_opt = {} # Here we simply concatenate the feature string while we really need # to do the better and/or operations. if 'base_features' in default_opt: mkfs_opt['-O'] = default_opt['base_features'] if 'default_features' in default_opt: mkfs_opt['-O'] += ',%s' % default_opt['default_features'] if 'features' in default_opt: mkfs_opt['-O'] += ',%s' % default_opt['features'] for key, value in conf_opt_mapping.iteritems(): if key in default_opt: mkfs_opt[value] = default_opt[key] if '-O' in mkfs_opt: mkfs_opt['-O'] = mkfs_opt['-O'].split(',') return mkfs_opt
[docs]def merge_ext_features(conf_feature, user_feature): user_feature_list = user_feature.split(',') merged_feature = [] # Removes duplicate entries in conf_list. for item in conf_feature: if item not in merged_feature: merged_feature.append(item) # User options override config options. for item in user_feature_list: if item[0] == '^': if item[1:] in merged_feature: merged_feature.remove(item[1:]) else: merged_feature.append(item) elif item not in merged_feature: merged_feature.append(item) return merged_feature
[docs]def ext_tunables(dev): """Call tune2fs -l and parse the result.""" cmd = 'tune2fs -l %s' % dev try: out = utils.system_output(cmd) except error.CmdError: tools_dir = os.path.join(os.environ['AUTODIR'], 'tools') cmd = '%s/tune2fs.ext4dev -l %s' % (tools_dir, dev) out = utils.system_output(cmd) # Load option mappings tune2fs_dict = {} for line in out.splitlines(): components = line.split(':', 1) if len(components) == 2: value = components[1].strip() option = components[0] if value.isdigit(): tune2fs_dict[option] = int(value) else: tune2fs_dict[option] = value return tune2fs_dict
[docs]def ext_mkfs_options(tune2fs_dict, mkfs_option): """Map the tune2fs options to mkfs options.""" def __inode_count(tune_dict, k): return (tune_dict['Block count'] / tune_dict[k] + 1) * ( tune_dict['Block size']) def __block_count(tune_dict, k): return int(100 * tune_dict[k] / tune_dict['Block count'] + 1) def __volume_name(tune_dict, k): if tune_dict[k] != '<none>': return tune_dict[k] else: return '' # mappings between fs features and mkfs options ext_mapping = {'Blocks per group': '-g', 'Block size': '-b', 'Filesystem features': '-O', 'Filesystem OS type': '-o', 'Filesystem revision #': '-r', 'Filesystem volume name': '-L', 'Flex block group size': '-G', 'Fragment size': '-f', 'Inode count': '-i', 'Inode size': '-I', 'Journal inode': '-j', 'Reserved block count': '-m'} conversions = { 'Journal inode': lambda d, k: None, 'Filesystem volume name': __volume_name, 'Reserved block count': __block_count, 'Inode count': __inode_count, 'Filesystem features': lambda d, k: re.sub(' ', ',', d[k]), 'Filesystem revision #': lambda d, k: d[k][0]} for key, value in ext_mapping.iteritems(): if key not in tune2fs_dict: continue if key in conversions: mkfs_option[value] = conversions[key](tune2fs_dict, key) else: mkfs_option[value] = tune2fs_dict[key]
[docs]def xfs_tunables(dev): """Call xfs_grow -n to get filesystem tunables.""" # Have to mount the filesystem to call xfs_grow. tmp_mount_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() cmd = 'mount %s %s' % (dev, tmp_mount_dir) utils.system_output(cmd) xfs_growfs = os.path.join(os.environ['AUTODIR'], 'tools', 'xfs_growfs') cmd = '%s -n %s' % (xfs_growfs, dev) try: out = utils.system_output(cmd) finally: # Clean. cmd = 'umount %s' % dev utils.system_output(cmd, ignore_status=True) os.rmdir(tmp_mount_dir) # The output format is given in report_info (xfs_growfs.c) ## "meta-data=%-22s isize=%-6u agcount=%u, agsize=%u blks\n" ## " =%-22s sectsz=%-5u attr=%u\n" ## "data =%-22s bsize=%-6u blocks=%llu, imaxpct=%u\n" ## " =%-22s sunit=%-6u swidth=%u blks\n" ## "naming =version %-14u bsize=%-6u\n" ## "log =%-22s bsize=%-6u blocks=%u, version=%u\n" ## " =%-22s sectsz=%-5u sunit=%u blks, lazy-count=%u\n" ## "realtime =%-22s extsz=%-6u blocks=%llu, rtextents=%llu\n" tune2fs_dict = {} # Flag for extracting naming version number keep_version = False for line in out.splitlines(): m ='^([-\w]+)', line) if m: main_tag = pairs = line.split() for pair in pairs: # naming: version needs special treatment if pair == '=version': # 1 means the next pair is the version number we want keep_version = True continue if keep_version: tune2fs_dict['naming: version'] = pair # Resets the flag since we have logged the version keep_version = False continue # Ignores the strings without '=', such as 'blks' if '=' not in pair: continue key, value = pair.split('=') tagged_key = '%s: %s' % (main_tag, key) if re.match('[0-9]+', value): tune2fs_dict[tagged_key] = int(value.rstrip(',')) else: tune2fs_dict[tagged_key] = value.rstrip(',') return tune2fs_dict
[docs]def xfs_mkfs_options(tune2fs_dict, mkfs_option): """Maps filesystem tunables to their corresponding mkfs options.""" # Mappings xfs_mapping = {'meta-data: isize': '-i size', 'meta-data: agcount': '-d agcount', 'meta-data: sectsz': '-s size', 'meta-data: attr': '-i attr', 'data: bsize': '-b size', 'data: imaxpct': '-i maxpct', 'data: sunit': '-d sunit', 'data: swidth': '-d swidth', 'data: unwritten': '-d unwritten', 'naming: version': '-n version', 'naming: bsize': '-n size', 'log: version': '-l version', 'log: sectsz': '-l sectsize', 'log: sunit': '-l sunit', 'log: lazy-count': '-l lazy-count', 'realtime: extsz': '-r extsize', 'realtime: blocks': '-r size', 'realtime: rtextents': '-r rtdev'} mkfs_option['-l size'] = tune2fs_dict['log: bsize'] * ( tune2fs_dict['log: blocks']) for key, value in xfs_mapping.iteritems(): mkfs_option[value] = tune2fs_dict[key]
[docs]def compare_features(needed_feature, current_feature): """Compare two ext* feature lists.""" if len(needed_feature) != len(current_feature): return False for feature in current_feature: if feature not in needed_feature: return False return True
[docs]def match_ext_options(fs_type, dev, needed_options): """Compare the current ext* filesystem tunables with needed ones.""" # mkfs.ext* will load default options from /etc/mke2fs.conf conf_opt = parse_mke2fs_conf(fs_type) # We need to convert the conf options to mkfs options. conf_mkfs_opt = convert_conf_opt(conf_opt) # Breaks user mkfs option string to dictionary. needed_opt_dict = opt_string2dict(needed_options) # Removes ignored options. ignored_option = ['-c', '-q', '-E', '-F'] for opt in ignored_option: if opt in needed_opt_dict: del needed_opt_dict[opt] # User options override config options. needed_opt = conf_mkfs_opt for key, value in needed_opt_dict.iteritems(): if key == '-N' or key == '-T': raise Exception('-N/T is not allowed.') elif key == '-O': needed_opt[key] = merge_ext_features(needed_opt[key], value) else: needed_opt[key] = value # '-j' option will add 'has_journal' feature. if '-j' in needed_opt and 'has_journal' not in needed_opt['-O']: needed_opt['-O'].append('has_journal') # 'extents' will be shown as 'extent' in the outcome of tune2fs if 'extents' in needed_opt['-O']: needed_opt['-O'].append('extent') needed_opt['-O'].remove('extents') # large_file is a byproduct of resize_inode. if 'large_file' not in needed_opt['-O'] and ( 'resize_inode' in needed_opt['-O']): needed_opt['-O'].append('large_file') current_opt = {} tune2fs_dict = ext_tunables(dev) ext_mkfs_options(tune2fs_dict, current_opt) # Does the match for key, value in needed_opt.iteritems(): if key == '-O': if not compare_features(value, current_opt[key].split(',')): return False elif key not in current_opt or value != current_opt[key]: return False return True
[docs]def match_xfs_options(dev, needed_options): """Compare the current ext* filesystem tunables with needed ones.""" tmp_mount_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() cmd = 'mount %s %s' % (dev, tmp_mount_dir) utils.system_output(cmd) xfs_growfs = os.path.join(os.environ['AUTODIR'], 'tools', 'xfs_growfs') cmd = '%s -n %s' % (xfs_growfs, dev) try: current_option = utils.system_output(cmd) finally: # Clean. cmd = 'umount %s' % dev utils.system_output(cmd, ignore_status=True) os.rmdir(tmp_mount_dir) # '-N' has the same effect as '-n' in mkfs.ext*. Man mkfs.xfs for details. cmd = 'mkfs.xfs %s -N -f %s' % (needed_options, dev) needed_out = utils.system_output(cmd) # 'mkfs.xfs -N' produces slightly different result than 'xfs_growfs -n' needed_out = re.sub('internal log', 'internal ', needed_out) if current_option == needed_out: return True else: return False
[docs]def match_mkfs_option(fs_type, dev, needed_options): """Compare the current filesystem tunables with needed ones.""" if fs_type.startswith('ext'): ret = match_ext_options(fs_type, dev, needed_options) elif fs_type == 'xfs': ret = match_xfs_options(dev, needed_options) else: ret = False return ret