Job Management - autotest-rpc-client job

The following actions are used to manage jobs:

# autotest-rpc-client job help
usage: autotest-rpc-client job [create|list|stat|abort] [options] <job_ids>

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -g, --debug           Print debugging information
  --kill-on-failure     Stop at the first failure
  --parse               Print the output using colon separated key=value
  -v, --verbose
                        Specify the autotest server to talk to

Creating a Job

# autotest-rpc-client job create help
usage: autotest-rpc-client job create [options] job_name

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -g, --debug           Print debugging information
  --kill-on-failure     Stop at the first failure
  --parse               Print the output using colon separated key=value
  -v, --verbose
                        Specify the autotest server to talk to
  -p PRIORITY, --priority=PRIORITY
                        Job priority (low, medium, high, urgent),
  -y, --synchronous     Make the job synchronous
  -c, --container       Run this client job in a container
  -f FILE, --control-file=FILE
                        use this control file
  -s, --server          This is server-side job
  -t TESTS, --tests=TESTS
                        Run a job with these tests
  -k KERNEL, --kernel=KERNEL
                        Install kernel from this URL before beginning job
  -m MACHINE, --machine=MACHINE
                        List of machines to run on (hostnames or n*label)
                        File listing machines to use

You can only create one job at a time. The job will be assigned the name job_name and will be run on the machine(s) specified using the -m|--machine|-M|--mlist options.

The machines can be specified using their hostnames or if you are just interested in a specific group of machines, you can use any arbitrary label you have defined, both platform and non-platform.

The syntax for those is: n*label to run on n machines of type label e.g., 2*Xeon,3*lab1,hostprovisioning. You can omit n if n equals 1.

The options are:

  • -p|--priority sets the job scheduling priority to Low, Medium (default), High or Urgent.
  • -s|--server specifies if the job is a server job, or a client job (default). A server job must specify a control file using the --control-file option.
  • -y|--synchronous specifies if the job is synchronous or asynchronous (default).
  • -k|--kernel=<file> specifies the URL of a kernel to install before running the test(s).
  • -c|--container runs the test(s) in a container. This is only valid for client-side jobs.

The tests can be specified in 2 mutually exclusive ways:

  • -f|--control-file=FILE will run the job described in the control file FILE,
  • -t|--tests=a,b,c will create a control file to run the tests a, b, and c.

One of these 2 options must be present.

The control file must be specified if your job is:

  • synchronous, or
  • a server-side job.

The --control-file option cannot be used with:

  • the --kernel option.
  • the --container option.

If you want to do any of those, code it in the control file itself.

You can find the list of existing tests using autotest-rpc-client test list.

# Create a job my_test using known tests on host0:
# autotest-rpc-client job create --test dbench,kernbench -m host0 my_test
Created job:
        my_test (id 6749)

# Create a server job using a custom control file on host0:
# cat ./control

# autotest-rpc-client job create --server -f ./control -m host0 my_test_ctrl_file
Created job:
        my_test_ctrl_file (id 6751)

# Create a job on 2 Xeon machines, 3 Athlon and 1 x286:
# Find the platform labels:
# autotest-rpc-client label list -t
Name    Valid
Xeon    True
Athlon  True
x286    True

# autotest-rpc-client job create --test kernbench -m 2*Xeon,3*Athlon,*x286, test_on_meta_hosts
Created job:
        test_on_meta_hosts (id 6761)

Listing Jobs

# autotest-rpc-client job list help
usage: autotest-rpc-client job list [options] <job_ids>

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -g, --debug           Print debugging information
  --kill-on-failure     Stop at the first failure
  --parse               Print the output using colon separated key=value
  -v, --verbose
                        Specify the autotest server to talk to
  -a, --all             List jobs for all users.
  -r, --running         List only running jobs
  -u USER, --user=USER  List jobs for given user

You can list all the jobs, or filter on specific users, IDs or job names. You can use the * wildcard for the job_name filter.

# List all my jobs
# autotest-rpc-client job list
Id    Owner  Name                  Status Counts
3590  user0  Thourough test        Aborted:31, Completed:128, Failed:74
6626  user0  Job                   Completed:1
6634  user0  Job name with spaces  Aborted:1
6749  user0  my_test               Queued:1
6751  user0  my_test_ctrl_file     Queued:1

# List all jobs starting with 'my'
# autotest-rpc-client job list my*
Id    Owner  Name               Status Counts
1646  user1  myjob              Completed:2
2702  user2  mytestburnin3      Aborted:1
6749  user0  my_test            Queued:1
6751  user0  my_test_ctrl_file  Queued:1

Getting Jobs Status

# autotest-rpc-client job stat help
usage: autotest-rpc-client job stat [options] <job_ids>

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -g, --debug           Print debugging information
  --kill-on-failure     Stop at the first failure
  --parse               Print the output using colon separated key=value
  -v, --verbose
                        Specify the autotest server to talk to
  -f, --control-file    Display the control file

At least one job ID or name must be specified. The * wildcard can be used for the job name but not for the job ID.

# Get status of the previously queued jobs.  Note the hostname in this output:
# autotest-rpc-client job stat my_test\*
Id    Name               Priority  Status Counts  Host Status
6749  my_test            Medium    Queued:1       Queued:host0
6751  my_test_ctrl_file  Medium    Queued:1       Queued:host0

# The stats on a meta host job will show the hostname once the scheduler mapped the platform label to available hosts:

# autotest-rpc-client job stat 6761
Id    Name                Priority  Status Counts        Host Status
6761  test_on_meta_hosts  Medium    Queued:4, Running:1  Running:host42

Aborting Jobs

# autotest-rpc-client job abort help
usage: autotest-rpc-client job abort [options] <job_ids>

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -g, --debug           Print debugging information
  --kill-on-failure     Stop at the first failure
  --parse               Print the output using colon separated key=value
  -v, --verbose
                        Specify the autotest server to talk to

You must specify at least one job ID. You cannot use the job name.

# autotest-rpc-client job abort 6749,6751 6761
Aborted jobs:
        6749, 6751, 6761