Installing an Autotest server (Red Hat version)

Install script

We have developed a script to automate the steps described below on a (Fedora 16/17/RHEL6.2) server. So if you want to save yourself some time, please check the Installing Server/Scheduler/WebUI notes.

If you want to do it all yourself, we opted by keeping the documentation herem and we’ll do the best to update it. However, we’re always working on streamlining this process, so it might be possible that this can get out of sync.

If you find any step that might be outdated, please let us know, and we’ll fix it.

Server/Scheduler/Web UI Installation Steps

Install required packages

We have automated this step on recent Fedora (17, 18) and RHEL 6, although it should work on Debian too:

sudo /usr/local/autotest/installation_support/autotest-install-packages-deps

If you want to install it manually here it goes. Keep in mind this can be outdated, if so we kindly ask your help with keeping it up to date.


Currently autotest is compatible with Django 1.5, so if your distribution has anything lower or higher than this version, you will have problems and are advised to use a compatible version.

If the distro you are running has Django 1.5 packaged, you can install the django that your distro ships:

yum install Django

Otherwise, it’s best to leave to the task of installing it. Other needed packages:

yum install git make wget python-devel unzip
yum install httpd mod_wsgi mysql-server MySQL-python gnuplot python-crypto python-paramiko java-1.6.0-openjdk-devel python-httplib2
yum install numpy python-matplotlib libpng-devel freetype-devel python-imaging

And our aexpect package, that can be installed from our COPR repo. Instructions to add the repo can be found on:

With the repo enabled, you can go on to install:

yum install aexpect

Alternatively, you can simply install it from pip:

pip install aexpect

Important notes

Important: For this entire documentation, we will assume that you’ll install autotest under /usr/local/autotest. If you use a different path, please change /usr/local/autotest accordingly. Please that you may have some issues with apache configuration if you don’t choose /usr/local/autotest.

Important: We will also assume that you have created an autotest user on your box, that you’ll use to perform most of the instructions after the point you have created it. Most of the instructions will use autotest unless otherwise noted.

Creating the autotest user

As root:

useradd autotest
passwd autotest [type in new password]

Cloning autotest

You can then clone the autotest repo (as root):

cd /usr/local
git clone --recursive git://
chown -R autotest:autotest autotest

Log out, re-log as autotest, and then proceed.

Setup MySQL

Please check the shared Configuring Autotest Server Database notes

Install extra packages

Run the build script to install necessary external packages. If you ran the package install script, you should have all you could get from your system packages and it would download only GWT. As autotest:


Always re-run this after a git pull if you notice it has changed, new dependencies may have been added. This is safe to rerun as many times as you want. It will only fetch and build what it doesn’t already have. It’s important to note that the autotest scheduler will also try to run whenever it’s executed in order to make sure every piece of software has the right versions.

Important: Set the HTTP_PROXY environment variable to http://proxy:3128/ before running the above if your site requires a proxy to fetch urls.

Update Apache config

As root:

ln -s /usr/local/autotest/apache/conf /etc/httpd/autotest.d
ln -s /usr/local/autotest/apache/apache-conf /etc/httpd/conf.d/z_autotest.conf
ln -s /usr/local/autotest/apache/apache-web-conf /etc/httpd/conf.d/z_autotest-web.conf

Test your configuration (now with all autotest directives) by running (as root):

service httpd configtest

Now make sure apache will be started on the next boot. If you are running on a pre-systemd OS, such as RHEL6, you can enable do it this way:

chkconfig --level 2345 httpd on

On a systemd OS (Fedora >= 16), you could do it this way:

systemctl enable httpd.service

Update Autotest config files

Important: Edit the following files to match the database passwords you set earlier during session #Set_up_MySQL, as autotest, more specifically, MYSQL_AUTOTEST_PASS.


Important: Please, do not change this field

# Machine that hosts the database
host: localhost

As we are doing the setup on the same machine where mysql is running, so please, pretty please don’t change it otherwise you will have trouble moving forward.

Things that you usually want to change on global_config.ini:


# DB password. You must set a different password than the default
password: please_set_this_password


# Where to send emails with scheduler failures to
# (usually an administrator of the autotest setup)
# Where the emails seem to come from (usually a noreply bogus address)

Section SERVER

# Use custom SMTP server
# If none provided, will try to use MTA installed on the box
# Use custom SMTP server
# If none provided, will use the default SMTP port
# Use custom SMTP user
# If none provided, no authentication will be used
# Use SMTP password
# It only makes sense if SMTP user is set

Run DB migrations to set up DB schemas and initial data

Important: If you set up your database using autotest-database-turnkey, this step can be safely skipped.

During the time span of the project, the autotest database went through design changes. In order to make it able for people running older versions to upgrade their databases, we have the concept of migration. Migration is nothing but starting from the initial database design until the latest one used by this specific version of the application. As autotest:

/usr/local/autotest/database/ --database=AUTOTEST_WEB sync

Run Django’s syncdb

Important: If you set up your database using autotest-database-turnkey, this step can be safely skipped.

You have to run syncdb twice, due to peculiarities of the way syncdb works on Django. As autotest:

/usr/local/autotest/frontend/ syncdb
/usr/local/autotest/frontend/ syncdb

Compile the GWT web frontends

Compile the Autotest web application and TKO frontend. As autotest:

/usr/local/autotest/utils/ -a

You will need to re-compile after any changes/syncs of the frontend/client pages.

SELinux Issues

You may encounter issues with SELinux not allowing a section of the web UI to work when running in Enforcing Mode. In order to fix this, you can run the following commands to allow execution of the cgi scripts on your server.

As root:

semanage fcontext -a -t httpd_sys_script_exec_t '/usr/local/autotest/tko(/.*cgi)?'
restorecon -Rvv /usr/local/autotest

Note: If you are having weird problems with installing autotest, you might want to turn off SElinux to see if the problem is related to it, and then think of a sensible solution to resolve it.

Restart Apache

As root:

/sbin/service httpd restart

Test the server frontend

You should be able to access the web frontend at http://localhost/afe/, or

Start the scheduler

Executing using old SysV init scripts (RHEL6 and Fedora <= 14)

As root:

cp /usr/local/autotest/utils/autotest-rh.init /etc/init.d/autotestd
chkconfig --add /etc/init.d/autotestd
service autotestd start

Executing using systemd (Fedora >= 15)

Copy the service file to systemd service directory. As root or using sudo:

sudo cp /usr/local/autotest/utils/autotestd.service /etc/systemd/system/

Make systemd aware of it:

sudo systemctl daemon-reload

Start the service:

sudo systemctl start autotestd.service

Check its status:

autotestd.service - Autotest scheduler
         Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/autotestd.service)
         Active: active (running) since Wed, 25 May 2011 16:13:31 -0300; 57s ago
         Main PID: 1962 (autotest-schedu)
           CGroup: name=systemd:/system/autotestd.service
                  ├ 1962 /usr/bin/python -u /usr/local/autotest/scheduler/autotest-scheduler-watcher
                  └ 1963 /usr/bin/python -u /usr/local/autotest/scheduler/autotest-scheduler /usr/local/autotest/results

Client Installation Steps

Clients are managed in the tab hosts of the web frontend. It is important that you can log onto your clients from your server using ssh without requiring a password.

Setup password-less ssh connection from the server to this host (client)

As autotest, on the server, create a RSA key in the following way:

ssh-keygen -t rsa

Then, still on the server, and as autotest, copy it to the host:


Import tests data into the database

You can import all the available tests inside the autotest client dir by running the test importer script as autotest:

/usr/local/autotest/utils/ -A

If you did clone the autotest repo with –recursive, the virt test will be among the imported tests.

Troubleshooting your server

You can refer to the Autotest Troubleshooting Documentation <../sysadmin/AutotestServerTroubleshooting> documentation for some commonly reported problems and their root causes.

Virt Test specific configuration

Please refer to the shared Autotest Virt Documentation <../sysadmin/AutotestServerVirt>

See also

  • The Parser <../scheduler/Parse> is used to import results into TKO
  • The Web Frontend Docs <../sysadmin/WebFrontendHowTo> talks about using the frontend
  • The Web Frontend Development Docs <../developer/WebFrontendDevelopment> talks about setting up for frontend development work - you do not want to develop through Apache!