Autotest Server/Scheduler/WebUI Install script

We have developed a script to automate the install steps for the autotest server, scheduler and web UI on a (Fedora 16/17/RHEL6/Ubuntu) server. Debian should also work, but it was not tested.

The recommended installation procedure is:

  1. Make sure you have a freshly installed system that we support (a VM, for example).
  2. Pick this script straight from github
curl -OL

Debian/Ubuntu: don’t forget to first install curl with apt-get install curl.

Then make it executable and execute it:

chmod +x

The command above will show you the script options. Usually you’ll want to provide the options -u for the autotest user password, and -d for the autotest database password. The script is going to set all passwords, permissions and dependency installing, and it should log every step of the way, reporting a log file that you can look at.

# ./ -u password -d password
15:59:21 INFO | Installing the Autotest server
15:59:21 INFO | A log of operation is kept in /tmp/install-autotest-server-07-23-2013-15-59-21.log
15:59:21 INFO | Install started at: Tue Jul 23 15:59:21 BRT 2013
15:59:21 INFO | /usr/local free 37G
15:59:21 INFO | /var free 37G
15:59:21 INFO | Installing git packages

Hopefully at the end the script will report a URL that you can use to access your newly installed server. The script should also take care of importing existing control files, so they appear right away in the server.