Source code for autotest.client.profilers.cmdprofile.cmdprofile

Sets up a subprocess to run any generic command in the background every
few seconds (by default the interval is 60 secs)

import time
import os
from autotest.client import profiler
from autotest.client.shared import utils, error

[docs]class cmdprofile(profiler.profiler): version = 2 supports_reboot = True
[docs] def initialize(self, cmds=['ps'], interval=60, outputfile='cmdprofile', outputfiles=None, **dargs): # do some basic sanity checking on the parameters if not outputfiles and not outputfile: raise error.TestError( 'cmdprofile cannot run if neither outputfile nor outputfile ' 'is specified') elif outputfiles and len(outputfiles) != len(cmds): raise error.TestError( 'cmdprofile parameter outputfiles has length %d and cmds has ' 'length %d, but both lists must have the same length' % (len(outputfiles), len(cmds))) self.interval = interval self.cmds = cmds if outputfiles: # outputfiles overrides outputfile self.outputfiles = outputfiles else: self.outputfiles = [outputfile] * len(cmds)
[docs] def start(self, test): = os.fork() if # parent return else: # child while True: for cmd, outputfile in zip(self.cmds, self.outputfiles): logfile = open(os.path.join(test.profdir, outputfile), 'a'), stdout_tee=logfile, stderr_tee=logfile) logfile.write('\n') logfile.close() time.sleep(self.interval)
[docs] def stop(self, test): utils.nuke_pid(