Source code for autotest.client.shared.boottool

boottool client-side module.

This module provides an API for client side tests that need to manipulate
boot entries. It's based on the rewrite of boottool, now python and grubby
based. It aims to be keep API compatibility with the older version, except
from XEN support which has been removed. We'll gladly accept patches that
provide full coverage for this mode/feature.

Copyright 2009 Google Inc.
Copyright 2012 Red Hat, Inc.

Released under the GPL v2

import os
import sys
from autotest.client.shared import error
from import Grubby, install_grubby_if_necessary, EfiToolSys

[docs]class boottool(Grubby): """ Client site side boottool wrapper. Inherits all functionality from boottool(.py) CLI app (lazily). """ def __init__(self, path=None): self.instantiated = False if path is None: path = GRUBBY_DEFAULT_SYSTEM_PATH self.path = path def _init_on_demand(self): if not self.instantiated: try: install_grubby_if_necessary() Grubby.__init__(self, self.path) self.instantiated = True except Exception, e: raise error.JobError("Unable to instantiate boottool: %s" % e) def __getattr__(self, name): self._init_on_demand() return Grubby.__getattribute__(self, name)