Source code for autotest.client.shared.error

Internal global error types

import sys
import traceback
import threading
import logging
from traceback import format_exception

# Add names you want to be imported by 'from errors import *' to this list.
# This must be list not a tuple as we modify it to include all of our
# the Exception classes we define below at the end of this file.
__all__ = ['format_error', 'context_aware', 'context', 'get_context',

[docs]def format_error(): t, o, tb = sys.exc_info() trace = format_exception(t, o, tb) # Clear the backtrace to prevent a circular reference # in the heap -- as per tutorial tb = '' return ''.join(trace) # Exception context information: # ------------------------------ # Every function can have some context string associated with it. # The context string can be changed by calling context(str) and cleared by # calling context() with no parameters. # get_context() joins the current context strings of all functions in the # provided traceback. The result is a brief description of what the test was # doing in the provided traceback (which should be the traceback of a caught # exception). # # For example: assume a() calls b() and b() calls c(). # # @error.context_aware # def a(): # error.context("hello") # b() # error.context("world") # error.get_context() ----> 'world' # # @error.context_aware # def b(): # error.context("foo") # c() # # @error.context_aware # def c(): # error.context("bar") # error.get_context() ----> 'hello --> foo --> bar' # # The current context is automatically inserted into exceptions raised in # context_aware functions, so usually test code doesn't need to call # error.get_context().
ctx = threading.local() def _new_context(s=""): if not hasattr(ctx, "contexts"): ctx.contexts = [] ctx.contexts.append(s) def _pop_context(): ctx.contexts.pop()
[docs]def context(s="", log=None): """ Set the context for the currently executing function and optionally log it. :param s: A string. If not provided, the context for the current function will be cleared. :param log: A logging function to pass the context message to. If None, no function will be called. """ ctx.contexts[-1] = s if s and log: log("Context: %s" % get_context())
def base_context(s="", log=None): """ Set the base context for the currently executing function and optionally log it. The base context is just another context level that is hidden by default. Functions that require a single context level should not use base_context(). :param s: A string. If not provided, the base context for the current function will be cleared. :param log: A logging function to pass the context message to. If None, no function will be called. """ ctx.contexts[-1] = "" ctx.contexts[-2] = s if s and log: log("Context: %s" % get_context())
[docs]def get_context(): """Return the current context (or None if none is defined).""" if hasattr(ctx, "contexts"): return " --> ".join([s for s in ctx.contexts if s])
[docs]def exception_context(e): """Return the context of a given exception (or None if none is defined).""" if hasattr(e, "_context"): return e._context
def set_exception_context(e, s): """Set the context of a given exception.""" e._context = s def join_contexts(s1, s2): """Join two context strings.""" if s1: if s2: return "%s --> %s" % (s1, s2) else: return s1 else: return s2
[docs]def context_aware(fn): """A decorator that must be applied to functions that call context().""" def new_fn(*args, **kwargs): _new_context() _new_context("(%s)" % fn.__name__) try: try: return fn(*args, **kwargs) except Exception, e: if not exception_context(e): set_exception_context(e, get_context()) raise finally: _pop_context() _pop_context() new_fn.__name__ = fn.__name__ new_fn.__doc__ = fn.__doc__ new_fn.__dict__.update(fn.__dict__) return new_fn
def _context_message(e): s = exception_context(e) if s: return " [context: %s]" % s else: return "" class JobContinue(SystemExit): """Allow us to bail out requesting continuance.""" pass class JobComplete(SystemExit): """Allow us to bail out indicating continuation not required.""" pass
[docs]class AutotestError(Exception): """The parent of all errors deliberately thrown within the client code.""" def __str__(self): return Exception.__str__(self) + _context_message(self)
[docs]class JobError(AutotestError): """Indicates an error which terminates and fails the whole job (ABORT).""" pass
[docs]class UnhandledJobError(JobError): """Indicates an unhandled error in a job.""" def __init__(self, unhandled_exception): if isinstance(unhandled_exception, JobError): JobError.__init__(self, *unhandled_exception.args) elif isinstance(unhandled_exception, str): JobError.__init__(self, unhandled_exception) else: msg = "Unhandled %s: %s" msg %= (unhandled_exception.__class__.__name__, unhandled_exception) if not isinstance(unhandled_exception, AutotestError): msg += _context_message(unhandled_exception) msg += "\n" + traceback.format_exc() JobError.__init__(self, msg)
[docs]class TestBaseException(AutotestError): """The parent of all test exceptions.""" # Children are required to override this. Never instantiate directly. exit_status = "NEVER_RAISE_THIS"
[docs]class TestError(TestBaseException): """Indicates that something went wrong with the test harness itself.""" exit_status = "ERROR"
[docs]class TestNAError(TestBaseException): """Indictates that the test is Not Applicable. Should be thrown when various conditions are such that the test is inappropriate.""" exit_status = "TEST_NA"
[docs]class TestFail(TestBaseException): """Indicates that the test failed, but the job will not continue.""" exit_status = "FAIL"
[docs]class TestWarn(TestBaseException): """Indicates that bad things (may) have happened, but not an explicit failure.""" exit_status = "WARN"
[docs]class UnhandledTestError(TestError): """Indicates an unhandled error in a test.""" def __init__(self, unhandled_exception): if isinstance(unhandled_exception, TestError): TestError.__init__(self, *unhandled_exception.args) elif isinstance(unhandled_exception, str): TestError.__init__(self, unhandled_exception) else: msg = "Unhandled %s: %s" msg %= (unhandled_exception.__class__.__name__, unhandled_exception) if not isinstance(unhandled_exception, AutotestError): msg += _context_message(unhandled_exception) msg += "\n" + traceback.format_exc() TestError.__init__(self, msg)
[docs]class UnhandledTestFail(TestFail): """Indicates an unhandled fail in a test.""" def __init__(self, unhandled_exception): if isinstance(unhandled_exception, TestFail): TestFail.__init__(self, *unhandled_exception.args) elif isinstance(unhandled_exception, str): TestFail.__init__(self, unhandled_exception) else: msg = "Unhandled %s: %s" msg %= (unhandled_exception.__class__.__name__, unhandled_exception) if not isinstance(unhandled_exception, AutotestError): msg += _context_message(unhandled_exception) msg += "\n" + traceback.format_exc() TestFail.__init__(self, msg)
[docs]class CmdError(TestError): """ Indicates that a command failed, is fatal to the test unless caught. """ def __init__(self, command, result_obj, additional_text=None): TestError.__init__(self, command, result_obj, additional_text) self.command = command self.result_obj = result_obj self.additional_text = additional_text def __str__(self): if self.result_obj.exit_status is None: msg = "Command <%s> failed and is not responding to signals" msg %= self.command else: msg = "Command <%s> failed, rc=%d" msg %= (self.command, self.result_obj.exit_status) if self.additional_text: msg += ", " + self.additional_text msg += _context_message(self) msg += '\n' + repr(self.result_obj) return msg
[docs]class PackageError(TestError): """Indicates an error trying to perform a package operation.""" pass
[docs]class BarrierError(JobError): """Indicates an error happened during a barrier operation.""" pass
[docs]class BarrierAbortError(BarrierError): """Indicate that the barrier was explicitly aborted by a member.""" pass
[docs]class NetCommunicationError(JobError): """Indicate that network communication was broken.""" pass
[docs]class DataSyncError(NetCommunicationError): """Indicates problem during synchronization data over network.""" pass
[docs]class HarnessError(JobError): """Indicates problem with the harness.""" pass
[docs]class InstallError(JobError): """Indicates an installation error which Terminates and fails the job.""" pass
[docs]class AutotestRunError(AutotestError): """Indicates a problem running server side control files.""" pass
[docs]class AutotestTimeoutError(AutotestError): """This exception is raised when an autotest test exceeds the timeout parameter passed to run_timed_test and is killed. """ pass
[docs]class HostRunErrorMixIn(Exception): """ Indicates a problem in the host run() function raised from client code. Should always be constructed with a tuple of two args (error description (str), run result object). This is a common class mixed in to create the client and server side versions of it. """ def __init__(self, description, result_obj): self.description = description self.result_obj = result_obj Exception.__init__(self, description, result_obj) def __str__(self): return self.description + '\n' + repr(self.result_obj)
[docs]class HostInstallTimeoutError(JobError): """ Indicates the machine failed to be installed after the predetermined timeout. """ pass
[docs]class HostInstallProfileError(JobError): """ Indicates the machine failed to have a profile assigned. """ pass
[docs]class AutotestHostRunError(HostRunErrorMixIn, AutotestError): pass # server-specific errors
[docs]class AutoservError(Exception): pass
[docs]class AutoservSSHTimeout(AutoservError): """SSH experienced a connection timeout""" pass
[docs]class AutoservRunError(HostRunErrorMixIn, AutoservError): pass
[docs]class AutoservSshPermissionDeniedError(AutoservRunError): """Indicates that a SSH permission denied error was encountered.""" pass
[docs]class AutoservVirtError(AutoservError): """Vitualization related error""" pass
[docs]class AutoservUnsupportedError(AutoservError): """Error raised when you try to use an unsupported optional feature""" pass
[docs]class AutoservHostError(AutoservError): """Error reaching a host""" pass
[docs]class AutoservHostIsShuttingDownError(AutoservHostError): """Host is shutting down""" pass
[docs]class AutoservNotMountedHostError(AutoservHostError): """Found unmounted partitions that should be mounted""" pass
[docs]class AutoservSshPingHostError(AutoservHostError): """SSH ping failed""" pass
[docs]class AutoservDiskFullHostError(AutoservHostError): """Not enough free disk space on host""" def __init__(self, path, want_gb, free_space_gb): AutoservHostError.__init__(self, 'Not enough free space on %s - %.3fGB free, want %.3fGB' % (path, free_space_gb, want_gb)) self.path = path self.want_gb = want_gb self.free_space_gb = free_space_gb
[docs]class AutoservHardwareHostError(AutoservHostError): """Found hardware problems with the host""" pass
[docs]class AutoservRebootError(AutoservError): """Error occurred while rebooting a machine""" pass
[docs]class AutoservShutdownError(AutoservRebootError): """Error occurred during shutdown of machine""" pass
[docs]class AutoservSubcommandError(AutoservError): """Indicates an error while executing a (forked) subcommand""" def __init__(self, func, exit_code): AutoservError.__init__(self, func, exit_code) self.func = func self.exit_code = exit_code def __str__(self): return ("Subcommand %s failed with exit code %d" % (self.func, self.exit_code))
[docs]class AutoservHardwareRepairRequestedError(AutoservError): """ Exception class raised from Host.repair_full() (or overrides) when software repair fails but it successfully managed to request a hardware repair (by notifying the staff, sending mail, etc) """ pass
[docs]class AutoservHardwareRepairRequiredError(AutoservError): """ Exception class raised during repairs to indicate that a hardware repair is going to be necessary. """ pass
[docs]class AutoservInstallError(AutoservError): """Error occurred while installing autotest on a host""" pass # packaging system errors
[docs]class PackagingError(AutotestError): 'Abstract error class for all packaging related errors.'
[docs]class PackageUploadError(PackagingError): 'Raised when there is an error uploading the package'
[docs]class PackageFetchError(PackagingError): 'Raised when there is an error fetching the package'
[docs]class PackageRemoveError(PackagingError): 'Raised when there is an error removing the package'
[docs]class PackageInstallError(PackagingError): 'Raised when there is an error installing the package'
[docs]class RepoDiskFullError(PackagingError): 'Raised when the destination for packages is full'
[docs]class RepoWriteError(PackagingError): "Raised when packager cannot write to a repo's desitnation"
[docs]class RepoUnknownError(PackagingError): "Raised when packager cannot write to a repo's desitnation"
[docs]class RepoError(PackagingError): "Raised when a repo isn't working in some way" # This MUST remain at the end of the file. # Limit 'from error import *' to only import the exception instances.
for _name, _thing in locals().items(): try: if issubclass(_thing, Exception): __all__.append(_name) except TypeError: pass # _thing not a class __all__ = tuple(__all__)