Source code for autotest.client.shared.hosts.base_classes

# Copyright 2009 Google Inc. Released under the GPL v2

This module defines the base classes for the Host hierarchy.

Implementation details:
You should import the "hosts" package instead of importing each type of host.

        Host: a machine on which you can run programs

__author__ = """ (Martin J. Bligh), (Benjamin Poirier), (Ryan Stutsman)

import cPickle
import cStringIO
import logging
import os
import re

from autotest.client.shared import error, utils
from autotest.client.shared import host_protections
from autotest.client import partition
from autotest.client.shared.settings import settings

[docs]class Host(object): """ This class represents a machine on which you can run programs. It may be a local machine, the one autoserv is running on, a remote machine or a virtual machine. Implementation details: This is an abstract class, leaf subclasses must implement the methods listed here. You must not instantiate this class but should instantiate one of those leaf subclasses. When overriding methods that raise NotImplementedError, the leaf class is fully responsible for the implementation and should not chain calls to super. When overriding methods that are a NOP in Host, the subclass should chain calls to super(). The criteria for fitting a new method into one category or the other should be: 1. If two separate generic implementations could reasonably be concatenated, then the abstract implementation should pass and subclasses should chain calls to super. 2. If only one class could reasonably perform the stated function (e.g. two separate run() implementations cannot both be executed) then the method should raise NotImplementedError in Host, and the implementor should NOT chain calls to super, to ensure that only one implementation ever gets executed. """ job = None DEFAULT_REBOOT_TIMEOUT = settings.get_value("HOSTS", "default_reboot_timeout", type=int, default=1800) WAIT_DOWN_REBOOT_TIMEOUT = settings.get_value("HOSTS", "wait_down_reboot_timeout", type=int, default=840) WAIT_DOWN_REBOOT_WARNING = settings.get_value("HOSTS", "wait_down_reboot_warning", type=int, default=540) HOURS_TO_WAIT_FOR_RECOVERY = settings.get_value("HOSTS", "hours_to_wait_for_recovery", type=float, default=2.5) # the number of hardware repair requests that need to happen before we # actually send machines to hardware repair HARDWARE_REPAIR_REQUEST_THRESHOLD = 4 def __init__(self, *args, **dargs): self._initialize(*args, **dargs) def _initialize(self, *args, **dargs): self._already_repaired = [] self._removed_files = False
[docs] def close(self): pass
[docs] def setup(self): pass
[docs] def run(self, command, timeout=3600, ignore_status=False, stdout_tee=utils.TEE_TO_LOGS, stderr_tee=utils.TEE_TO_LOGS, stdin=None, args=()): """ Run a command on this host. :param command: the command line string :param timeout: time limit in seconds before attempting to kill the running process. The run() function will take a few seconds longer than 'timeout' to complete if it has to kill the process. :param ignore_status: do not raise an exception, no matter what the exit code of the command is. :param stdout_tee/stderr_tee: where to tee the stdout/stderr :param stdin: stdin to pass (a string) to the executed command :param args: sequence of strings to pass as arguments to command by quoting them in " and escaping their contents if necessary :return: a utils.CmdResult object :raise AutotestHostRunError: the exit code of the command execution was not 0 and ignore_status was not enabled """ raise NotImplementedError('Run not implemented!')
[docs] def run_output(self, command, *args, **dargs): return, *args, **dargs).stdout.rstrip()
[docs] def reboot(self): raise NotImplementedError('Reboot not implemented!')
[docs] def sysrq_reboot(self): raise NotImplementedError('Sysrq reboot not implemented!')
[docs] def reboot_setup(self, *args, **dargs): pass
[docs] def reboot_followup(self, *args, **dargs): pass
[docs] def get_file(self, source, dest, delete_dest=False): raise NotImplementedError('Get file not implemented!')
[docs] def send_file(self, source, dest, delete_dest=False): raise NotImplementedError('Send file not implemented!')
[docs] def get_tmp_dir(self): raise NotImplementedError('Get temp dir not implemented!')
[docs] def is_up(self): raise NotImplementedError('Is up not implemented!')
[docs] def is_shutting_down(self): """ Indicates is a machine is currently shutting down. """ # runlevel() may not be available, so wrap it in try block. try: runlevel = int("runlevel").stdout.strip().split()[1]) return runlevel in (0, 6) except Exception: return False
[docs] def get_wait_up_processes(self): """ Gets the list of local processes to wait for in wait_up. """ proc_list = settings.get_value("HOSTS", "wait_up_processes", default="").strip() processes = set(p.strip() for p in proc_list.split(",")) processes.discard("") return processes
[docs] def get_boot_id(self, timeout=60): """ Get a unique ID associated with the current boot. Should return a string with the semantics such that two separate calls to Host.get_boot_id() return the same string if the host did not reboot between the two calls, and two different strings if it has rebooted at least once between the two calls. :param timeout The number of seconds to wait before timing out. :return: A string unique to this boot or None if not available.""" BOOT_ID_FILE = '/proc/sys/kernel/random/boot_id' NO_ID_MSG = 'no boot_id available' cmd = 'if [ -f %r ]; then cat %r; else echo %r; fi' % ( BOOT_ID_FILE, BOOT_ID_FILE, NO_ID_MSG) boot_id =, timeout=timeout).stdout.strip() if boot_id == NO_ID_MSG: return None return boot_id
[docs] def wait_up(self, timeout=None): raise NotImplementedError('Wait up not implemented!')
[docs] def wait_down(self, timeout=None, warning_timer=None, old_boot_id=None): raise NotImplementedError('Wait down not implemented!')
[docs] def wait_for_restart(self, timeout=DEFAULT_REBOOT_TIMEOUT, down_timeout=WAIT_DOWN_REBOOT_TIMEOUT, down_warning=WAIT_DOWN_REBOOT_WARNING, log_failure=True, old_boot_id=None, **dargs): """ Wait for the host to come back from a reboot. This is a generic implementation based entirely on wait_up and wait_down. """ if not self.wait_down(timeout=down_timeout, warning_timer=down_warning, old_boot_id=old_boot_id): if log_failure: self.record("ABORT", None, "reboot.verify", "shut down failed") raise error.AutoservShutdownError("Host did not shut down") if self.wait_up(timeout): self.record("GOOD", None, "reboot.verify") self.reboot_followup(**dargs) else: self.record("ABORT", None, "reboot.verify", "Host did not return from reboot") raise error.AutoservRebootError("Host did not return from reboot")
[docs] def verify(self): self.verify_hardware() self.verify_connectivity() self.verify_software()
[docs] def verify_hardware(self): pass
[docs] def verify_connectivity(self): pass
[docs] def verify_software(self): pass
[docs] def check_diskspace(self, path, gb): """Raises an error if path does not have at least gb GB free. :param path The path to check for free disk space. :param gb A floating point number to compare with a granularity of 1 MB. 1000 based SI units are used. :raise AutoservDiskFullHostError if path has less than gb GB free. """ one_mb = 10 ** 6 # Bytes (SI unit). mb_per_gb = 1000.0'Checking for >= %s GB of space under %s on machine %s', gb, path, self.hostname) df ='df -PB %d %s | tail -1' % (one_mb, path)).stdout.split() free_space_gb = int(df[3]) / mb_per_gb if free_space_gb < gb: raise error.AutoservDiskFullHostError(path, gb, free_space_gb) else:'Found %s GB >= %s GB of space under %s on machine %s', free_space_gb, gb, path, self.hostname)
[docs] def get_open_func(self, use_cache=True): """ Defines and returns a function that may be used instead of built-in open() to open and read files. The returned function is implemented by using'cat <file>') and may cache the results for the same filename. :param use_cache Cache results of'cat <filename>') for the same filename :return: a function that can be used instead of built-in open() """ cached_files = {} def open_func(filename): if not use_cache or filename not in cached_files: output ='cat \'%s\'' % filename, stdout_tee=open('/dev/null', 'w')).stdout fd = cStringIO.StringIO(output) if not use_cache: return fd cached_files[filename] = fd else: cached_files[filename].seek(0) return cached_files[filename] return open_func
[docs] def check_partitions(self, root_part, filter_func=None): """ Compare the contents of /proc/partitions with those of /proc/mounts and raise exception in case unmounted partitions are found root_part: in Linux /proc/mounts will never directly mention the root partition as being mounted on / instead it will say that /dev/root is mounted on /. Thus require this argument to filter out the root_part from the ones checked to be mounted filter_func: unnary predicate for additional filtering out of partitions required to be mounted Raise: error.AutoservHostError if unfiltered unmounted partition found """ print 'Checking if non-swap partitions are mounted...' unmounted = partition.get_unmounted_partition_list(root_part, filter_func=filter_func, open_func=self.get_open_func()) if unmounted: raise error.AutoservNotMountedHostError( 'Found unmounted partitions: %s' % [part.device for part in unmounted])
def _repair_wait_for_reboot(self): TIMEOUT = int(self.HOURS_TO_WAIT_FOR_RECOVERY * 3600) if self.is_shutting_down():'Host is shutting down, waiting for a restart') self.wait_for_restart(TIMEOUT) else: self.wait_up(TIMEOUT) def _get_mountpoint(self, path): """Given a "path" get the mount point of the filesystem containing that path.""" code = ('import os\n' # sanitize the path and resolve symlinks 'path = os.path.realpath(%r)\n' "while path != '/' and not os.path.ismount(path):\n" ' path, _ = os.path.split(path)\n' 'print path\n') % path return'python -c "%s"' % code, stdout_tee=open(os.devnull, 'w')).stdout.rstrip()
[docs] def erase_dir_contents(self, path, ignore_status=True, timeout=3600): """Empty a given directory path contents.""" rm_cmd = 'find "%s" -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -print0 | xargs -0 rm -rf' % path, ignore_status=ignore_status, timeout=timeout) self._removed_files = True
[docs] def repair_full_disk(self, mountpoint): # it's safe to remove /tmp and /var/tmp, site specific overrides may # want to remove some other places too if mountpoint == self._get_mountpoint('/tmp'): self.erase_dir_contents('/tmp') if mountpoint == self._get_mountpoint('/var/tmp'): self.erase_dir_contents('/var/tmp')
def _call_repair_func(self, err, func, *args, **dargs): for old_call in self._already_repaired: if old_call == (func, args, dargs): # re-raising the original exception because surrounding # error handling may want to try other ways to fix it logging.warn('Already done this (%s) repair procedure, ' 're-raising the original exception.', func) raise err try: func(*args, **dargs) except (error.AutoservHardwareRepairRequestedError, error.AutoservHardwareRepairRequiredError): # let these special exceptions propagate raise except error.AutoservError: logging.exception('Repair failed but continuing in case it managed' ' to repair enough') self._already_repaired.append((func, args, dargs))
[docs] def repair_filesystem_only(self): """perform file system repairs only""" while True: # try to repair specific problems try:'Running verify to find failures to repair...') self.verify() if self._removed_files:'Removed files, rebooting to release the' ' inodes') self.reboot() return # verify succeeded, then repair succeeded except error.AutoservHostIsShuttingDownError, err: logging.exception('verify failed') self._call_repair_func(err, self._repair_wait_for_reboot) except error.AutoservDiskFullHostError, err: logging.exception('verify failed') self._call_repair_func(err, self.repair_full_disk, self._get_mountpoint(err.path))
[docs] def repair_software_only(self): """perform software repairs only""" while True: try: self.repair_filesystem_only() break except (error.AutoservSshPingHostError, error.AutoservSSHTimeout, error.AutoservSshPermissionDeniedError, error.AutoservDiskFullHostError), err: logging.exception('verify failed')'Trying to reinstall the machine') self._call_repair_func(err, self.machine_install)
[docs] def repair_full(self): hardware_repair_requests = 0 while True: try: self.repair_software_only() break except error.AutoservHardwareRepairRequiredError, err: logging.exception('software repair failed, ' 'hardware repair requested') hardware_repair_requests += 1 try_hardware_repair = (hardware_repair_requests >= self.HARDWARE_REPAIR_REQUEST_THRESHOLD) if try_hardware_repair:'hardware repair requested %d times, ' 'trying hardware repair', hardware_repair_requests) self._call_repair_func(err, self.request_hardware_repair) else:'hardware repair requested %d times, ' 'trying software repair again', hardware_repair_requests) except error.AutoservHardwareHostError, err: logging.exception('verify failed') # software repair failed, try hardware repair'Hardware problem found, ' 'requesting hardware repairs') self._call_repair_func(err, self.request_hardware_repair)
[docs] def repair_with_protection(self, protection_level): """Perform the maximal amount of repair within the specified protection level. :param protection_level: the protection level to use for limiting repairs, a host_protections.Protection """ protection = host_protections.Protection if protection_level == protection.DO_NOT_REPAIR:'Protection is "Do not repair" so just verifying') self.verify() elif protection_level == protection.REPAIR_FILESYSTEM_ONLY:'Attempting filesystem-only repair') self.repair_filesystem_only() elif protection_level == protection.REPAIR_SOFTWARE_ONLY:'Attempting software repair only') self.repair_software_only() elif protection_level == protection.NO_PROTECTION:'Attempting full repair') self.repair_full() else: raise NotImplementedError('Unknown host protection level %s' % protection_level)
[docs] def disable_ipfilters(self): """Allow all network packets in and out of the host."""'iptables-save > /tmp/iptable-rules')'iptables -P INPUT ACCEPT')'iptables -P FORWARD ACCEPT')'iptables -P OUTPUT ACCEPT')
[docs] def enable_ipfilters(self): """Re-enable the IP filters disabled from disable_ipfilters()""" if self.path_exists('/tmp/iptable-rules'):'iptables-restore < /tmp/iptable-rules')
[docs] def cleanup(self): pass
[docs] def machine_install(self): raise NotImplementedError('Machine install not implemented!')
[docs] def install(self, installableObject): installableObject.install(self)
[docs] def get_autodir(self): raise NotImplementedError('Get autodir not implemented!')
[docs] def set_autodir(self): raise NotImplementedError('Set autodir not implemented!')
[docs] def start_loggers(self): """ Called to start continuous host logging. """ pass
[docs] def stop_loggers(self): """ Called to stop continuous host logging. """ pass # some extra methods simplify the retrieval of information about the # Host machine, with generic implementations based on run(). subclasses # should feel free to override these if they can provide better # implementations for their specific Host types
[docs] def get_num_cpu(self): """ Get the number of CPUs in the host according to /proc/cpuinfo. """ proc_cpuinfo ='cat /proc/cpuinfo', stdout_tee=open(os.devnull, 'w')).stdout cpus = 0 for line in proc_cpuinfo.splitlines(): if line.startswith('processor'): cpus += 1 return cpus
[docs] def get_arch(self): """ Get the hardware architecture of the remote machine. """ arch ='/bin/uname -m').stdout.rstrip() if re.match(r'i\d86$', arch): arch = 'i386' return arch
[docs] def get_kernel_ver(self): """ Get the kernel version of the remote machine. """ return'/bin/uname -r').stdout.rstrip()
[docs] def get_cmdline(self): """ Get the kernel command line of the remote machine. """ return'cat /proc/cmdline').stdout.rstrip()
[docs] def get_meminfo(self): """ Get the kernel memory info (/proc/meminfo) of the remote machine and return a dictionary mapping the various statistics. """ meminfo_dict = {} meminfo ='cat /proc/meminfo').stdout.splitlines() for key, val in (line.split(':', 1) for line in meminfo): meminfo_dict[key.strip()] = val.strip() return meminfo_dict
[docs] def path_exists(self, path): """ Determine if path exists on the remote machine. """ result ='ls "%s" > /dev/null' % utils.sh_escape(path), ignore_status=True) return result.exit_status == 0 # some extra helpers for doing job-related operations
[docs] def record(self, *args, **dargs): """ Helper method for recording status logs against Host.job that silently becomes a NOP if Host.job is not available. The args and dargs are passed on to Host.job.record unchanged. """ if self.job: self.job.record(*args, **dargs)
[docs] def log_kernel(self): """ Helper method for logging kernel information into the status logs. Intended for cases where the "current" kernel is not really defined and we want to explicitly log it. Does nothing if this host isn't actually associated with a job. """ if self.job: kernel = self.get_kernel_ver() self.job.record("INFO", None, None, optional_fields={"kernel": kernel})
[docs] def log_reboot(self, reboot_func): """ Decorator for wrapping a reboot in a group for status logging purposes. The reboot_func parameter should be an actual function that carries out the reboot. """ if self.job and not hasattr(self, "RUNNING_LOG_REBOOT"): self.RUNNING_LOG_REBOOT = True try: self.job.run_reboot(reboot_func, self.get_kernel_ver) finally: del self.RUNNING_LOG_REBOOT else: reboot_func()
[docs] def request_hardware_repair(self): """ Should somehow request (send a mail?) for hardware repairs on this machine. The implementation can either return by raising the special error.AutoservHardwareRepairRequestedError exception or can try to wait until the machine is repaired and then return normally. """ raise NotImplementedError("request_hardware_repair not implemented")
[docs] def list_files_glob(self, glob): """ Get a list of files on a remote host given a glob pattern path. """ SCRIPT = ("python -c 'import cPickle, glob, sys;" "cPickle.dump(glob.glob(sys.argv[1]), sys.stdout, 0)'") output =, args=(glob,), stdout_tee=None, timeout=60).stdout return cPickle.loads(output)
[docs] def cleanup_kernels(self, boot_dir='/boot'): """ Remove any kernel image and associated files (vmlinux,, modules) for any image found in the boot directory that is not referenced by entries in the bootloader configuration. :param boot_dir: boot directory path string, default '/boot' """ # find all the vmlinuz images referenced by the bootloader boot_info = self.bootloader.get_entries() used_kernver = [] for boot in boot_info.itervalues(): k = os.path.basename(boot['kernel'])[len('vmlinuz-'):] if k not in used_kernver: used_kernver.append(k) # find all the unused vmlinuz images in /boot vmlinuz_prefix = os.path.join(boot_dir, 'vmlinuz-') all_vmlinuz = self.list_files_glob(vmlinuz_prefix + '*') used_vmlinuz = self.symlink_closure(vmlinuz_prefix + kernver for kernver in used_kernver) unused_vmlinuz = set(all_vmlinuz) - set(used_vmlinuz) # find all the unused vmlinux images in /boot vmlinux_prefix = os.path.join(boot_dir, 'vmlinux-') all_vmlinux = self.list_files_glob(vmlinux_prefix + '*') used_vmlinux = self.symlink_closure(vmlinux_prefix + kernver for kernver in used_kernver) unused_vmlinux = set(all_vmlinux) - set(used_vmlinux) # find all the unused files in /boot systemmap_prefix = os.path.join(boot_dir, '') all_system_map = self.list_files_glob(systemmap_prefix + '*') used_system_map = self.symlink_closure( systemmap_prefix + kernver for kernver in used_kernver) unused_system_map = set(all_system_map) - set(used_system_map) # find all the module directories associated with unused kernels modules_prefix = '/lib/modules/' all_moddirs = [mod_dir for mod_dir in self.list_files_glob(modules_prefix + '*') if re.match(modules_prefix + r'\d+\.\d+\.\d+.*', mod_dir)] used_moddirs = self.symlink_closure(modules_prefix + kernver for kernver in used_kernver) unused_moddirs = set(all_moddirs) - set(used_moddirs) # remove all the vmlinuz files we don't use # TODO: if needed this should become package manager agnostic for vmlinuz in unused_vmlinuz: # try and get an rpm package name rpm ='rpm -qf', args=(vmlinuz,), ignore_status=True, timeout=120) if rpm.exit_status == 0: packages = set(line.strip() for line in rpm.stdout.splitlines()) # if we found some package names, try to remove them for package in packages:'rpm -e', args=(package,), ignore_status=True, timeout=120) # remove the image files anyway, even if rpm didn't'rm -f', args=(vmlinuz,), ignore_status=True, timeout=120) # remove all the vmlinux and files left over for f in (unused_vmlinux | unused_system_map):'rm -f', args=(f,), ignore_status=True, timeout=120) # remove all unused module directories # the regex match should keep us safe from removing the wrong files for moddir in unused_moddirs:'rm -fr', args=(moddir,), ignore_status=True)