Source code for autotest.client.shared.iscsi

Basic iscsi support for Linux host with the help of commands
iscsiadm and tgtadm.

This include the basic operates such as login and get device name by
target name. And it can support the real iscsi access and emulated
iscsi in localhost then access it.

import re
import os
import logging
from autotest.client import os_dep
from autotest.client.shared import utils, error

[docs]def iscsi_get_sessions(): """ Get the iscsi sessions activated """ cmd = "iscsiadm --mode session" output = utils.system_output(cmd, ignore_status=True) pattern = r"(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+):\d+,\d+\s+([\w\.\-:\d]+)" sessions = [] if "No active sessions" not in output: sessions = re.findall(pattern, output) return sessions
[docs]def iscsi_get_nodes(): """ Get the iscsi nodes """ cmd = "iscsiadm --mode node" output = utils.system_output(cmd) pattern = r"(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+):\d+,\d+\s+([\w\.\-:\d]+)" nodes = [] if "No records found" not in output: nodes = re.findall(pattern, output) return nodes
[docs]def iscsi_login(target_name): """ Login to a target with the target name :param target_name: Name of the target """ cmd = "iscsiadm --mode node --login --targetname %s" % target_name output = utils.system_output(cmd) target_login = "" if "successful" in output: target_login = target_name return target_login
[docs]def iscsi_logout(target_name=None): """ Logout from a target. If the target name is not set then logout all targets. :params target_name: Name of the target. """ if target_name: cmd = "iscsiadm --mode node --logout -T %s" % target_name else: cmd = "iscsiadm --mode node --logout all" output = utils.system_output(cmd) target_logout = "" if "successful" in output: target_logout = target_name return target_logout
[docs]def iscsi_discover(portal_ip): """ Query from iscsi server for available targets :param portal_ip: Ip for iscsi server """ cmd = "iscsiadm -m discovery -t sendtargets -p %s" % portal_ip output = utils.system_output(cmd, ignore_status=True) session = "" if "Invalid" in output: logging.debug(output) else: session = output return session
[docs]class Iscsi(object): """ Basic iscsi support class. Will handle the emulated iscsi export and access to both real iscsi and emulated iscsi device. """ def __init__(self, params, root_dir="/tmp"): os_dep.command("iscsiadm") = params.get("target") if params.get("portal_ip"): self.portal_ip = params.get("portal_ip") else: self.portal_ip = utils.system_output("hostname") if params.get("iscsi_thread_id"): = params.get("iscsi_thread_id") else: = utils.generate_random_string(4) self.initiator = params.get("initiator") if params.get("emulated_image"): self.initiator = None os_dep.command("tgtadm") emulated_image = params.get("emulated_image") self.emulated_image = os.path.join(root_dir, emulated_image) self.emulated_id = "" self.emulated_size = params.get("image_size") self.unit = self.emulated_size[-1].upper() self.emulated_size = self.emulated_size[:-1] self.export_flag = False # maps K,M,G,T => (count, bs) emulated_size = {'K': (1, 1), 'M': (1, 1024), 'G': (1024, 1024), 'T': (1024, 1048576), } if emulated_size.has_key(self.unit): block_size = emulated_size[self.unit][1] size = int(self.emulated_size) * emulated_size[self.unit][0] self.create_cmd = ("dd if=/dev/zero of=%s count=%s bs=%sK" % (self.emulated_image, size, block_size))
[docs] def logged_in(self): """ Check if the session is login or not. """ sessions = iscsi_get_sessions() login = False for i in sessions: if i[1] == login = True break return login
[docs] def portal_visible(self): """ Check if the portal can be found or not. """ return bool(re.findall("%s$" %, iscsi_discover(self.portal_ip), re.M))
[docs] def login(self): """ Login session for both real iscsi device and emulated iscsi. Include env check and setup. """ login_flag = False if self.portal_visible(): login_flag = True elif self.initiator: logging.debug("Try to update iscsi initiatorname") cmd = "mv /etc/iscsi/initiatorname.iscsi " cmd += "/etc/iscsi/initiatorname.iscsi-%s" % utils.system(cmd) fd = open("/etc/iscsi/initiatorname.iscsi", 'w') fd.write("InitiatorName=%s" % self.initiator) fd.close() utils.system("service iscsid restart") if self.portal_visible(): login_flag = True elif self.emulated_image: self.export_target() utils.system("service iscsid restart") if self.portal_visible(): login_flag = True if login_flag: iscsi_login(
[docs] def get_device_name(self): """ Get device name from the target name. """ cmd = "iscsiadm -m session -P 3" device_name = "" if self.logged_in(): output = utils.system_output(cmd) pattern = r"Target:\s+%s\n.*?disk\s+(\w+)\s+" % if re.findall(pattern, output, re.S): device_name = re.findall(pattern, output, re.S)[0] device_name = "/dev/%s" % device_name else: logging.debug("Can not find taget after login") else: logging.debug("Session is not login yet.") return device_name
[docs] def get_target_id(self): """ Get target id from image name. Only works for emulated iscsi device """ cmd = "tgtadm --lld iscsi --mode target --op show" target_info = utils.system_output(cmd) target_id = "" for line in re.split("\n", target_info): if re.findall("Target\s+(\d+)", line): target_id = re.findall("Target\s+(\d+)", line)[0] elif re.findall("Backing store path:\s+(/+.+)", line): if self.emulated_image in line: break else: target_id = "" return target_id
[docs] def export_target(self): """ Export target in localhost for emulated iscsi """ if not os.path.isfile(self.emulated_image): utils.system(self.create_cmd) cmd = "tgtadm --lld iscsi --mode target --op show" try: output = utils.system_output(cmd) except error.CmdError: utils.system("service tgtd restart") output = utils.system_output(cmd) if not re.findall("%s$" %, output, re.M): logging.debug("Need to export target in host") output = utils.system_output(cmd) used_id = re.findall("Target\s+(\d+)", output) emulated_id = 1 while str(emulated_id) in used_id: emulated_id += 1 self.emulated_id = str(emulated_id) cmd = "tgtadm --mode target --op new --tid %s" % self.emulated_id cmd += " --lld iscsi --targetname %s" % utils.system(cmd) cmd = "tgtadm --mode logicalunit --op new " cmd += "--tid %s --lld iscsi --lun 1 " % self.emulated_id cmd += "--backing-store %s" % self.emulated_image utils.system(cmd) cmd = "tgtadm --lld iscsi --op bind --mode target " cmd += "--tid %s -I ALL" % self.emulated_id utils.system(cmd) self.export_flag = True else: self.emulated_id = re.findall("Target\s+(\d+):\s+%s$" %, output)
[docs] def delete_target(self): """ Delete target from host. """ cmd = "tgtadm --lld iscsi --mode target --op show" output = utils.system_output(cmd) if re.findall("%s$" %, output, re.M): if self.emulated_id: cmd = "tgtadm --lld iscsi --mode target --op delete " cmd += "--tid %s" % self.emulated_id utils.system(cmd)
[docs] def logout(self): """ Logout from target. """ if self.logged_in(): iscsi_logout(
[docs] def cleanup(self): """ Clean up env after iscsi used. """ if self.logged_in(): self.logout() if os.path.isfile("/etc/iscsi/initiatorname.iscsi-%s" % cmd = " mv /etc/iscsi/initiatorname.iscsi-%s" % cmd += " /etc/iscsi/initiatorname.iscsi" utils.system(cmd) cmd = "service iscsid restart" utils.system(cmd) if self.export_flag: self.delete_target()