Source code for autotest.client.shared.iso9660

Basic ISO9660 file-system support.

This code does not attempt (so far) to implement code that knows about
ISO9660 internal structure. Instead, it uses commonly available support
either in userspace tools or on the Linux kernel itself (via mount).

__all__ = ['iso9660', 'Iso9660IsoInfo', 'Iso9660IsoRead', 'Iso9660Mount']

import os
import logging
import tempfile
import shutil
import re
from autotest.client.shared import utils

def has_userland_tool(executable):
    Returns whether the system has a given executable

    :param executable: the name of the executable
    :type executable: str
    :rtype: bool
    if os.path.isabs(executable):
        return os.path.exists(executable)
        for d in os.environ['PATH'].split(':'):
            f = os.path.join(d, executable)
            if os.path.exists(f):
                return True
    return False

def has_isoinfo():
    Returns whether the system has the isoinfo executable

    Maybe more checks could be added to see if isoinfo supports the needed

    :rtype: bool
    return has_userland_tool('isoinfo')

def has_isoread():
    Returns whether the system has the iso-read executable

    Maybe more checks could be added to see if iso-read supports the needed

    :rtype: bool
    return has_userland_tool('iso-read')

def can_mount():
    Test wether the current user can perform a loop mount

    AFAIK, this means being root, having mount and iso9660 kernel support

    :rtype: bool
    if os.getuid() != 0:
        logging.debug('Can not use mount: current user is not "root"')
        return False

    if not has_userland_tool('mount'):
        logging.debug('Can not use mount: missing "mount" tool')
        return False

    if not 'iso9660' in open('/proc/filesystems').read():
        logging.debug('Can not use mount: lack of iso9660 kernel support')
        return False

    return True

class BaseIso9660(object):

    Represents a ISO9660 filesystem

    This class holds common functionality and has many abstract methods

    def __init__(self, path):
        self.path = path

    def _verify_path(self, path):
        Verify that the current set path is accessible

        :param path: the path for test
        :type path: str
        :raise OSError: path does not exist or path could not be read
        :rtype: None
        if not os.path.exists(self.path):
            raise OSError('File or device path does not exist: %s' %
        if not os.access(self.path, os.R_OK):
            raise OSError('File or device path could not be read: %s' %

    def read(self, path):
        Abstract method to read data from path

        :param path: path to the file
        :returns: data content from the file
        :rtype: str
        raise NotImplementedError

    def copy(self, src, dst):
        Simplistic version of copy that relies on read()

        :param src: source path
        :type src: str
        :param dst: destination path
        :type dst: str
        :rtype: None
        content =
        output = open(dst, 'w+b')

    def close(self):
        Cleanup and free any resources being used

        :rtype: None

[docs]class Iso9660IsoInfo(BaseIso9660): ''' Represents a ISO9660 filesystem This implementation is based on the cdrkit's isoinfo tool ''' def __init__(self, path): super(Iso9660IsoInfo, self).__init__(path) self.joliet = False self.rock_ridge = False self.el_torito = False self._get_extensions(path) def _get_extensions(self, path): cmd = 'isoinfo -i %s -d' % self.path output = utils.system_output(cmd) if re.findall("\nJoliet", output): self.joliet = True if re.findall("\nRock Ridge signatures", output): self.rock_ridge = True if re.findall("\nEl Torito", output): self.el_torito = True def _normalize_path(self, path): if not os.path.isabs(path): path = os.path.join('/', path) return path def _get_filename_in_iso(self, path): cmd = 'isoinfo -i %s -f' % self.path flist = utils.system_output(cmd) fname = re.findall("(%s.*)" % self._normalize_path(path), flist, re.I) if fname: return fname[0] return None
[docs] def read(self, path): cmd = ['isoinfo'] cmd.append("-i %s" % self.path) fname = self._normalize_path(path) if self.joliet: cmd.append("-J") elif self.rock_ridge: cmd.append("-R") else: fname = self._get_filename_in_iso(path) if not fname: logging.warn("Could not find '%s' in iso '%s'", path, self.path) return "" cmd.append("-x %s" % fname) result =" ".join(cmd)) return result.stdout
[docs]class Iso9660IsoRead(BaseIso9660): ''' Represents a ISO9660 filesystem This implementation is based on the libcdio's iso-read tool ''' def __init__(self, path): super(Iso9660IsoRead, self).__init__(path) self.temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
[docs] def read(self, path): temp_file = os.path.join(self.temp_dir, path) cmd = 'iso-read -i %s -e %s -o %s' % (self.path, path, temp_file) return open(temp_file).read()
[docs] def copy(self, src, dst): cmd = 'iso-read -i %s -e %s -o %s' % (self.path, src, dst)
[docs] def close(self): shutil.rmtree(self.temp_dir, True)
[docs]class Iso9660Mount(BaseIso9660): ''' Represents a mounted ISO9660 filesystem. ''' def __init__(self, path): ''' initializes a mounted ISO9660 filesystem :param path: path to the ISO9660 file :type path: str ''' super(Iso9660Mount, self).__init__(path) self.mnt_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()'mount -t iso9660 -v -o loop,ro %s %s' % (path, self.mnt_dir))
[docs] def read(self, path): ''' Read data from path :param path: path to read data :type path: str :return: data content :rtype: str ''' full_path = os.path.join(self.mnt_dir, path) return open(full_path).read()
[docs] def copy(self, src, dst): ''' :param src: source :type src: str :param dst: destination :type dst: str :rtype: None ''' full_path = os.path.join(self.mnt_dir, src) shutil.copy(full_path, dst)
[docs] def close(self): ''' Perform umount operation on the temporary dir :rtype: None ''' if os.path.ismount(self.mnt_dir):'fuser -k %s' % self.mnt_dir, ignore_status=True)'umount %s' % self.mnt_dir) shutil.rmtree(self.mnt_dir)
[docs]def iso9660(path): ''' Checks the avaiable tools on a system and chooses class accordingly This is a convinience function, that will pick the first avaialable iso9660 capable tool. :param path: path to an iso9660 image file :type path: str :return: an instance of any iso9660 capable tool :rtype: :class:`Iso9660IsoInfo`, :class:`Iso9660IsoRead`, :class:`Iso9660Mount` or None ''' IMPLEMENTATIONS = [('isoinfo', has_isoinfo, Iso9660IsoInfo), ('iso-read', has_isoread, Iso9660IsoRead), ('mount', can_mount, Iso9660Mount)] for (name, check, klass) in IMPLEMENTATIONS: if check(): logging.debug('Automatically chosen class for iso9660: %s', name) return klass(path) return None