Source code for autotest.client.shared.mail

Notification email library.

Aims to replace a bunch of different email module wrappers previously used.
import traceback
import socket
import os
import time
import smtplib
import re
import logging
import email
    import autotest.common as common
except ImportError:
    import common
from autotest.client.shared.settings import settings


def _process_to_string(to_string):
    Process a string containing email addresses. Separators: ',' ';' ':'

    :param to_string: String containing email addresses.
    :return: List with email addresses.
    return [x for x in re.split('\s|,|;|:', to_string) if x]

[docs]def send(from_address, to_addresses, cc_addresses, subject, body, smtp_info, html=None): """ Send out an email. Args: from_address: The email address to put in the "From:" field. to_addresses: Either a single string or an iterable of strings to put in the "To:" field of the email. cc_addresses: Either a single string of an iterable of strings to put in the "Cc:" field of the email. subject: The email subject. body: The body of the email. there's no special handling of encoding here, so it's safest to stick to 7-bit ASCII text. smtp_info: Dictionary with SMTP info. html: Optional HTML content of the message. """ # addresses can be a tuple or a single string, so make them tuples if isinstance(to_addresses, str): to_addresses = [to_addresses] else: to_addresses = list(to_addresses) if isinstance(cc_addresses, str): cc_addresses = [cc_addresses] else: cc_addresses = list(cc_addresses) if html: message = email.mime.multipart.MIMEMultipart('alternative') message["To"] = ", ".join(to_addresses) message["Cc"] = ", ".join(cc_addresses) message["From"] = from_address message["Subject"] = subject message.attach(email.mime.text.MIMEText(body, 'plain')) message.attach(email.mime.text.MIMEText(html, 'html')) else: message = email.Message.Message() message["To"] = ", ".join(to_addresses) message["Cc"] = ", ".join(cc_addresses) message["From"] = from_address message["Subject"] = subject message.set_payload(body) if not smtp_info['port']: smtp_info['port'] = 25 try: if smtp_info['server']: mailer = smtplib.SMTP(smtp_info['server'], smtp_info['port']) else:"No SMTP server specified, will try to connect to " "the local MTA") mailer = smtplib.SMTP() try: if smtp_info.get('user'): mailer.login(smtp_info['user'], smtp_info['password']) mailer.sendmail(from_address, to_addresses + cc_addresses, message.as_string()) finally: try: mailer.quit() except: logging.exception('mailer.quit() failed:') except Exception: logging.exception('Sending email failed:')
[docs]class EmailNotificationManager(object): """ Email notification facility, for use in things like the autotest scheduler. This facility can use values defined in the autotest settings (global_config.ini) to conveniently send notification emails to the admin of an autotest module. """ def __init__(self, module="scheduler"): """ Initialize an email notification manager. :param subsystem: String describing the module this manager is handling. Example: 'scheduler'. """ self.module = module self.email_queue = [] self.html_email = settings.get_value("NOTIFICATION", "html_notify_email", type=bool, default=False) self.from_email = settings.get_value("NOTIFICATION", "notify_email_from", default=DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL) self.grid_admin_email = settings.get_value("NOTIFICATION", "grid_admin_email", default='') server = settings.get_value("EMAIL", "smtp_server", default='localhost') port = settings.get_value("EMAIL", "smtp_port", default=None) user = settings.get_value("EMAIL", "smtp_user", default=None) password = settings.get_value("EMAIL", "smtp_password", default=None) self.smtp_info = {'server': server, 'port': port, 'user': user, 'password': password}
[docs] def set_module(self, module): """ Change the name of the module we're notifying for. """ self.module = module
[docs] def send(self, to_string, subject, body): """ Send emails to the addresses listed in to_string. to_string is split into a list which can be delimited by any of: ';', ',', ':' or any whitespace """ to_list = _process_to_string(to_string) if not to_list: return send(from_address=self.from_email, to_addresses=to_list, cc_addresses="", subject=subject, body=body, smtp_info=self.smtp_info, html=self.html_email)
[docs] def send_admin(self, subject, body): """ Send an email to this grid admin. """ self.send(self.grid_admin_email, subject, body)
[docs] def enqueue_admin(self, subject, message): """ Enqueue an email to the test grid admin. """ if not self.grid_admin_email: return body = 'Subject: ' + subject + '\n' body += "%s / %s / %s\n%s" % (socket.gethostname(), os.getpid(), time.strftime("%X %x"), message) self.email_queue.append(body)
[docs] def enqueue_exception_admin(self, reason): """ Enqueue an email containing an exception to the test grid admin. """ logging.exception(reason) message = "EXCEPTION: %s\n%s" % (reason, traceback.format_exc()) self.enqueue_admin("Exception on module %s" % self.module, message)
[docs] def send_queued_admin(self): """ Send all queued emails to the test grid admin. """ if not self.email_queue: return subject = ('Notifications (%s) from host: %s' % (self.module, socket.gethostname())) separator = '\n' + '-' * 40 + '\n' body = separator.join(self.email_queue) self.send_admin(subject, body) # Reset the email queue. self.email_queue = []
manager = EmailNotificationManager()