Source code for autotest.client.shared.settings

A singleton class for accessing global config values.

provides access to global configuration file.

__author__ = ' (Travis Miller)'

import os
import sys
import ConfigParser
from autotest.client.shared import error

[docs]class SettingsError(error.AutotestError): pass
[docs]class SettingsValueError(SettingsError): pass
settings_filename = 'global_config.ini' shadow_config_filename = 'shadow_config.ini' shared_dir = os.path.dirname(sys.modules[__name__].__file__) client_dir = os.path.dirname(shared_dir) root_dir = os.path.dirname(client_dir) system_wide_dir = os.environ.get('AUTOTEST_TOP_PATH', '/etc/autotest') # Check if the config files are in the system wide directory settings_path_system_wide = os.path.join(system_wide_dir, settings_filename) shadow_config_path_system_wide = os.path.join(system_wide_dir, shadow_config_filename) config_in_system_wide = os.path.exists(settings_path_system_wide) # Check if the config files are at autotest's root dir # This will happen if client is executing inside a full autotest tree, or if # other entry points are being executed settings_path_root = os.path.join(root_dir, settings_filename) shadow_config_path_root = os.path.join(root_dir, shadow_config_filename) config_in_root = (os.path.exists(settings_path_root) and os.path.exists(shadow_config_path_root)) # Check if the config files are at autotest's client dir # This will happen if a client stand alone execution is happening settings_path_client = os.path.join(client_dir, 'global_config.ini') config_in_client = os.path.exists(settings_path_client) if config_in_system_wide: DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE = settings_path_system_wide DEFAULT_SHADOW_FILE = shadow_config_path_system_wide RUNNING_STAND_ALONE_CLIENT = False elif config_in_root: DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE = settings_path_root DEFAULT_SHADOW_FILE = shadow_config_path_root RUNNING_STAND_ALONE_CLIENT = False elif config_in_client: DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE = settings_path_client DEFAULT_SHADOW_FILE = None RUNNING_STAND_ALONE_CLIENT = True else: DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE = None DEFAULT_SHADOW_FILE = None RUNNING_STAND_ALONE_CLIENT = True
[docs]class Settings(object): _NO_DEFAULT_SPECIFIED = object() config = None config_file = DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE shadow_file = DEFAULT_SHADOW_FILE running_stand_alone_client = RUNNING_STAND_ALONE_CLIENT
[docs] def check_stand_alone_client_run(self): return self.running_stand_alone_client
[docs] def set_config_files(self, config_file=DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE, shadow_file=DEFAULT_SHADOW_FILE): self.config_file = config_file self.shadow_file = shadow_file self.config = None
def _handle_no_value(self, section, key, default): if default is self._NO_DEFAULT_SPECIFIED: msg = ("Value '%s' not found in section '%s'" % (key, section)) raise SettingsError(msg) else: return default
[docs] def get_section_values(self, sections): """ Return a config parser object containing a single section of the global configuration, that can be later written to a file object. :param section: Tuple with sections we want to turn into a config parser object. :return: ConfigParser() object containing all the contents of sections. """ self._ensure_config_parsed() if isinstance(sections, str): sections = [sections] cfgparser = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() for section in sections: cfgparser.add_section(section) for option, value in self.config.items(section): cfgparser.set(section, option, value) return cfgparser
[docs] def get_value(self, section, key, type=str, default=_NO_DEFAULT_SPECIFIED, allow_blank=False): self._ensure_config_parsed() try: val = self.config.get(section, key) except ConfigParser.Error: return self._handle_no_value(section, key, default) if not val.strip() and not allow_blank: return self._handle_no_value(section, key, default) return self._convert_value(key, section, val, type)
[docs] def override_value(self, section, key, new_value): """ Override a value from the config file with a new value. """ self._ensure_config_parsed() self.config.set(section, key, new_value)
[docs] def reset_values(self): """ Reset all values to those found in the config files (undoes all overrides). """ self.parse_config_file()
def _ensure_config_parsed(self): if self.config is None: self.parse_config_file()
[docs] def merge_configs(self, shadow_config): # overwrite whats in config with whats in shadow_config sections = shadow_config.sections() for section in sections: # add the section if need be if not self.config.has_section(section): self.config.add_section(section) # now run through all options and set them options = shadow_config.options(section) for option in options: val = shadow_config.get(section, option) self.config.set(section, option, val)
[docs] def parse_config_file(self): self.config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() if self.config_file and os.path.exists(self.config_file): else: raise SettingsError('%s not found' % (self.config_file)) # now also read the shadow file if there is one # this will overwrite anything that is found in the # other config if self.shadow_file and os.path.exists(self.shadow_file): shadow_config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() # now we merge shadow into global self.merge_configs(shadow_config) # the values that are pulled from ini # are strings. But we should attempt to # convert them to other types if needed.
def _convert_value(self, key, section, value, value_type): # strip off leading and trailing white space sval = value.strip() # if length of string is zero then return None if len(sval) == 0: if value_type == str: return "" elif value_type == bool: return False elif value_type == int: return 0 elif value_type == float: return 0.0 elif value_type == list: return [] else: return None if value_type == bool: if sval.lower() == "false": return False else: return True if value_type == list: # Split the string using ',' and return a list return [val.strip() for val in sval.split(',')] try: conv_val = value_type(sval) return conv_val except Exception: msg = ("Could not convert %s value %r in section %s to type %s" % (key, sval, section, value_type)) raise SettingsValueError(msg) # insure the class is a singleton. Now the symbol settings # will point to the one and only one instace of the class
settings = Settings()