Source code for autotest.client.shared.utils

Convenience functions for use by tests or whomever.

NOTE: this is a mixin library that pulls in functions from several places
Note carefully what the precendece order is

There's no really good way to do this, as this isn't a class we can do
inheritance with, just a collection of static methods.

# Copyright 2008 Google Inc. Released under the GPL v2

import os
import pickle
import random
import re
import resource
import select
import shutil
import signal
import StringIO
import glob
import socket
import struct
import subprocess
import sys
import time
import textwrap
import traceback
import urlparse
import warnings
import smtplib
import logging
import urllib2
import string
import tarfile
from threading import Thread, Event, Lock
    import hashlib
except ImportError:
    import md5
    import sha
from autotest.client.shared import error, logging_manager
from autotest.client.shared import progressbar
from autotest.client.shared.settings import settings

[docs]def deprecated(func): """This is a decorator which can be used to mark functions as deprecated. It will result in a warning being emitted when the function is used.""" def new_func(*args, **dargs): warnings.warn("Call to deprecated function %s." % func.__name__, category=DeprecationWarning) return func(*args, **dargs) new_func.__name__ = func.__name__ new_func.__doc__ = func.__doc__ new_func.__dict__.update(func.__dict__) return new_func
class _NullStream(object): def write(self, data): pass def flush(self): pass TEE_TO_LOGS = object() _the_null_stream = _NullStream() DEFAULT_STDOUT_LEVEL = logging.DEBUG DEFAULT_STDERR_LEVEL = logging.ERROR # prefixes for logging stdout/stderr of commands STDOUT_PREFIX = '[stdout] ' STDERR_PREFIX = '[stderr] '
[docs]def get_stream_tee_file(stream, level, prefix=''): if stream is None: return _the_null_stream if stream is TEE_TO_LOGS: return logging_manager.LoggingFile(level=level, prefix=prefix) return stream
[docs]class BgJob(object): def __init__(self, command, stdout_tee=None, stderr_tee=None, verbose=True, stdin=None, stderr_level=DEFAULT_STDERR_LEVEL): self.command = command self.stdout_tee = get_stream_tee_file(stdout_tee, DEFAULT_STDOUT_LEVEL, prefix=STDOUT_PREFIX) self.stderr_tee = get_stream_tee_file(stderr_tee, stderr_level, prefix=STDERR_PREFIX) self.result = CmdResult(command) # allow for easy stdin input by string, we'll let subprocess create # a pipe for stdin input and we'll write to it in the wait loop if isinstance(stdin, basestring): self.string_stdin = stdin stdin = subprocess.PIPE else: self.string_stdin = None if verbose: logging.debug("Running '%s'" % command) # Ok, bash is nice and everything, but we might face occasions where # it is not available. Just do the right thing and point to /bin/sh. shell = '/bin/bash' if not os.path.isfile(shell): shell = '/bin/sh' self.sp = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, preexec_fn=self._reset_sigpipe, shell=True, executable=shell, stdin=stdin)
[docs] def output_prepare(self, stdout_file=None, stderr_file=None): self.stdout_file = stdout_file self.stderr_file = stderr_file
[docs] def process_output(self, stdout=True, final_read=False): """output_prepare must be called prior to calling this""" if stdout: pipe, buf, tee = self.sp.stdout, self.stdout_file, self.stdout_tee else: pipe, buf, tee = self.sp.stderr, self.stderr_file, self.stderr_tee if final_read: # read in all the data we can from pipe and then stop data = [] while[pipe], [], [], 0)[0]: data.append(, 1024)) if len(data[-1]) == 0: break data = "".join(data) else: # perform a single read data =, 1024) buf.write(data) tee.write(data)
[docs] def cleanup(self): self.stdout_tee.flush() self.stderr_tee.flush() self.sp.stdout.close() self.sp.stderr.close() self.result.stdout = self.stdout_file.getvalue() self.result.stderr = self.stderr_file.getvalue()
def _reset_sigpipe(self): signal.signal(signal.SIGPIPE, signal.SIG_DFL)
[docs]class AsyncJob(BgJob): def __init__(self, command, stdout_tee=None, stderr_tee=None, verbose=True, stdin=None, stderr_level=DEFAULT_STDERR_LEVEL, kill_func=None): super(AsyncJob, self).__init__(command, stdout_tee=stdout_tee, stderr_tee=stderr_tee, verbose=verbose, stdin=stdin, stderr_level=stderr_level) # start time for CmdResult self.start_time = time.time() if kill_func is None: self.kill_func = self._kill_self_process else: self.kill_func = kill_func if self.string_stdin: self.stdin_lock = Lock() string_stdin = self.string_stdin # replace with None so that _wait_for_commands will not try to re-write it self.string_stdin = None self.stdin_thread = Thread(target=AsyncJob._stdin_string_drainer, name=("%s-stdin" % command), args=(string_stdin, self.sp.stdin)) self.stdin_thread.daemon = True self.stdin_thread.start() self.stdout_lock = Lock() self.stdout_file = StringIO.StringIO() self.stdout_thread = Thread(target=AsyncJob._fd_drainer, name=("%s-stdout" % command), args=(self.sp.stdout, [self.stdout_file, self.stdout_tee], self.stdout_lock)) self.stdout_thread.daemon = True self.stderr_lock = Lock() self.stderr_file = StringIO.StringIO() self.stderr_thread = Thread(target=AsyncJob._fd_drainer, name=("%s-stderr" % command), args=(self.sp.stderr, [self.stderr_file, self.stderr_tee], self.stderr_lock)) self.stderr_thread.daemon = True self.stdout_thread.start() self.stderr_thread.start() @staticmethod def _stdin_string_drainer(input_string, stdin_pipe): """ input is a string and output is PIPE """ try: while True: # we can write PIPE_BUF bytes without blocking after a poll or select # we aren't doing either but let's write small chunks anyway. # POSIX requires PIPE_BUF is >= 512 # 512 should be replaced with select.PIPE_BUF in Python 2.7+ tmp = input_string[:512] if tmp == '': break stdin_pipe.write(tmp) input_string = input_string[512:] finally: # close reading PIPE so that the reader doesn't block stdin_pipe.close() @staticmethod def _fd_drainer(input_pipe, outputs, lock): """ input is a pipe and output is file-like. if lock is non-None, then we assume output isn't thread-safe """ # if we don't have a lock object, then call a noop function like bool acquire = getattr(lock, 'acquire', bool) release = getattr(lock, 'release', bool) writable_objs = [obj for obj in outputs if hasattr(obj, 'write')] fileno = input_pipe.fileno() while True: # 1024 because that's what we did before tmp =, 1024) if tmp == '': break acquire() try: for f in writable_objs: f.write(tmp) finally: release() # don't close writeable_objs, the callee will close
[docs] def output_prepare(self, stdout_file=None, stderr_file=None): raise NotImplementedError("This object automatically prepares its own " "output")
[docs] def process_output(self, stdout=True, final_read=False): raise NotImplementedError("This object has background threads " "automatically polling the process. Use the locked accessors")
[docs] def get_stdout(self): self.stdout_lock.acquire() tmp = self.stdout_file.getvalue() self.stdout_lock.release() return tmp
[docs] def get_stderr(self): self.stderr_lock.acquire() tmp = self.stderr_file.getvalue() self.stderr_lock.release() return tmp
[docs] def cleanup(self): raise NotImplementedError("This must be waited for to get a result")
def _kill_self_process(self): try: os.kill(, signal.SIGTERM) except OSError: pass # don't care if the process is already gone, since that was the goal
[docs] def wait_for(self, timeout=None): if timeout is None: self.sp.wait() if timeout > 0: start_time = time.time() while time.time() - start_time < timeout: self.result.exit_status = self.sp.poll() if self.result.exit_status is not None: break # first need to kill the threads and process, then no more locking # issues for superclass's cleanup function self.kill_func() # we need to fill in parts of the result that aren't done automatically try: pid, self.result.exit_status = os.waitpid(, 0) except OSError: self.result.exit_status = self.sp.poll() self.result.duration = time.time() - self.start_time assert self.result.exit_status is not None # make sure we've got stdout and stderr self.stdout_thread.join(1) self.stderr_thread.join(1) assert not self.stdout_thread.isAlive() assert not self.stderr_thread.isAlive() super(AsyncJob, self).cleanup() return self.result
[docs]def ip_to_long(ip): # !L is a long in network byte order return struct.unpack('!L', socket.inet_aton(ip))[0]
[docs]def long_to_ip(number): # See above comment. return socket.inet_ntoa(struct.pack('!L', number))
[docs]def create_subnet_mask(bits): return (1 << 32) - (1 << 32 - bits)
[docs]def format_ip_with_mask(ip, mask_bits): masked_ip = ip_to_long(ip) & create_subnet_mask(mask_bits) return "%s/%s" % (long_to_ip(masked_ip), mask_bits)
[docs]def normalize_hostname(alias): ip = socket.gethostbyname(alias) return socket.gethostbyaddr(ip)[0]
[docs]def get_ip_local_port_range(): match = re.match(r'\s*(\d+)\s*(\d+)\s*$', read_one_line('/proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_local_port_range')) return (int(, int(
[docs]def set_ip_local_port_range(lower, upper): write_one_line('/proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_local_port_range', '%d %d\n' % (lower, upper))
[docs]def read_one_line(filename): return open(filename, 'r').readline().rstrip('\n')
[docs]def read_file(filename): f = open(filename) try: return finally: f.close()
[docs]def get_field(data, param, linestart="", sep=" "): """ Parse data from string. :param data: Data to parse. example: data: cpu 324 345 34 5 345 cpu0 34 11 34 34 33 ^^^^ start of line params 0 1 2 3 4 :param param: Position of parameter after linestart marker. :param linestart: String to which start line with parameters. :param sep: Separator between parameters regular expression. """ search = re.compile(r"(?<=^%s)\s*(.*)" % linestart, re.MULTILINE) find = if find is not None: return re.split("%s" % sep,[param] else: print "There is no line which starts with %s in data." % linestart return None
[docs]def write_one_line(filename, line): open_write_close(filename, line.rstrip('\n') + '\n')
[docs]def open_write_close(filename, data): f = open(filename, 'w') try: f.write(data) finally: f.close()
[docs]def matrix_to_string(matrix, header=None): """ Return a pretty, aligned string representation of a nxm matrix. This representation can be used to print any tabular data, such as database results. It works by scanning the lengths of each element in each column, and determining the format string dynamically. :param matrix: Matrix representation (list with n rows of m elements). :param header: Optional tuple or list with header elements to be displayed. """ if type(header) is list: header = tuple(header) lengths = [] if header: for column in header: lengths.append(len(column)) for row in matrix: for i, column in enumerate(row): column = unicode(column).encode("utf-8") cl = len(column) try: ml = lengths[i] if cl > ml: lengths[i] = cl except IndexError: lengths.append(cl) lengths = tuple(lengths) format_string = "" for length in lengths: format_string += "%-" + str(length) + "s " format_string += "\n" matrix_str = "" if header: matrix_str += format_string % header for row in matrix: matrix_str += format_string % tuple(row) return matrix_str
[docs]class Statistic(object): """ Class to display and collect average, max and min values of a given data set. """ def __init__(self): self._sum = 0 self._count = 0 self._max = None self._min = None
[docs] def get_average(self): if self._count != 0: return self._sum / self._count else: return None
[docs] def get_min(self): return self._min
[docs] def get_max(self): return self._max
[docs] def record(self, value): """ Record new value to statistic. """ self._count += 1 self._sum += value if not self._max or self._max < value: self._max = value if not self._min or self._min > value: self._min = value
[docs]def read_keyval(path): """ Read a key-value pair format file into a dictionary, and return it. Takes either a filename or directory name as input. If it's a directory name, we assume you want the file to be called keyval. """ if os.path.isdir(path): path = os.path.join(path, 'keyval') keyval = {} if os.path.exists(path): for line in open(path): line = re.sub('#.*', '', line).rstrip() if not'^[-\.\w]+=', line): raise ValueError('Invalid format line: %s' % line) key, value = line.split('=', 1) if'^\d+$', value): value = int(value) elif'^(\d+\.)?\d+$', value): value = float(value) keyval[key] = value return keyval
[docs]def write_keyval(path, dictionary, type_tag=None, tap_report=None): """ Write a key-value pair format file out to a file. This uses append mode to open the file, so existing text will not be overwritten or reparsed. If type_tag is None, then the key must be composed of alphanumeric characters (or dashes+underscores). However, if type-tag is not null then the keys must also have "{type_tag}" as a suffix. At the moment the only valid values of type_tag are "attr" and "perf". :param path: full path of the file to be written :param dictionary: the items to write :param type_tag: see text above """ if os.path.isdir(path): path = os.path.join(path, 'keyval') keyval = open(path, 'a') if type_tag is None: key_regex = re.compile(r'^[-\.\w]+$') else: if type_tag not in ('attr', 'perf'): raise ValueError('Invalid type tag: %s' % type_tag) escaped_tag = re.escape(type_tag) key_regex = re.compile(r'^[-\.\w]+\{%s\}$' % escaped_tag) try: for key in sorted(dictionary.keys()): if not raise ValueError('Invalid key: %s' % key) keyval.write('%s=%s\n' % (key, dictionary[key])) finally: keyval.close() # same for tap if tap_report is not None and tap_report.do_tap_report: tap_report.record_keyval(path, dictionary, type_tag=type_tag)
[docs]class FileFieldMonitor(object): """ Monitors the information from the file and reports it's values. It gather the information at start and stop of the measurement or continuously during the measurement. """
[docs] class Monitor(Thread): """ Internal monitor class to ensure continuous monitor of monitored file. """ def __init__(self, master): """ :param master: Master class which control Monitor """ Thread.__init__(self) self.master = master
[docs] def run(self): """ Start monitor in thread mode """ while not self.master.end_event.isSet(): self.master._get_value(self.master.logging) time.sleep(self.master.time_step)
def __init__(self, status_file, data_to_read, mode_diff, continuously=False, contlogging=False, separator=" +", time_step=0.1): """ Initialize variables. :param status_file: File contain status. :param mode_diff: If True make a difference of value, else average. :param data_to_read: List of tuples with data position. format: [(start_of_line,position in params)] example: data: cpu 324 345 34 5 345 cpu0 34 11 34 34 33 ^^^^ start of line params 0 1 2 3 4 :param mode_diff: True to subtract old value from new value, False make average of the values. :param continuously: Start the monitoring thread using the time_step as the measurement period. :param contlogging: Log data in continuous run. :param separator: Regular expression of separator. :param time_step: Time period of the monitoring value. """ self.end_event = Event() self.start_time = 0 self.end_time = 0 self.test_time = 0 self.status_file = status_file self.separator = separator self.data_to_read = data_to_read self.num_of_params = len(self.data_to_read) self.mode_diff = mode_diff self.continuously = continuously self.time_step = time_step self.value = [0 for i in range(self.num_of_params)] self.old_value = [0 for i in range(self.num_of_params)] self.log = [] self.logging = contlogging self.started = False self.num_of_get_value = 0 self.monitor = None def _get_value(self, logging=True): """ Return current values. :param logging: If true log value in memory. There can be problem with long run. """ data = read_file(self.status_file) value = [] for i in range(self.num_of_params): value.append(int(get_field(data, self.data_to_read[i][1], self.data_to_read[i][0], self.separator))) if logging: self.log.append(value) if not self.mode_diff: value = map(lambda x, y: x + y, value, self.old_value) self.old_value = value self.num_of_get_value += 1 return value
[docs] def start(self): """ Start value monitor. """ if self.started: self.stop() self.old_value = [0 for i in range(self.num_of_params)] self.num_of_get_value = 0 self.log = [] self.end_event.clear() self.start_time = time.time() self._get_value() self.started = True if (self.continuously): self.monitor = FileFieldMonitor.Monitor(self) self.monitor.start()
[docs] def stop(self): """ Stop value monitor. """ if self.started: self.started = False self.end_time = time.time() self.test_time = self.end_time - self.start_time self.value = self._get_value() if (self.continuously): self.end_event.set() self.monitor.join() if (self.mode_diff): self.value = map(lambda x, y: x - y, self.log[-1], self.log[0]) else: self.value = map(lambda x: x / self.num_of_get_value, self.value)
[docs] def get_status(self): """ :return: Status of monitored process average value, time of test and array of monitored values and time step of continuous run. """ if self.started: self.stop() if self.mode_diff: for i in range(len(self.log) - 1): self.log[i] = (map(lambda x, y: x - y, self.log[i + 1], self.log[i])) if self.log: self.log.pop() return (self.value, self.test_time, self.log, self.time_step)
[docs]def is_url(path): """Return true if path looks like a URL""" # for now, just handle http and ftp url_parts = urlparse.urlparse(path) return (url_parts[0] in ('http', 'ftp', 'git'))
[docs]def urlopen(url, data=None, timeout=5): """Wrapper to urllib2.urlopen with timeout addition.""" # Save old timeout old_timeout = socket.getdefaulttimeout() socket.setdefaulttimeout(timeout) try: return urllib2.urlopen(url, data=data) finally: socket.setdefaulttimeout(old_timeout)
[docs]def urlretrieve(url, filename, data=None, timeout=300): """Retrieve a file from given url.""" logging.debug('Fetching %s -> %s', url, filename) src_file = urlopen(url, data=data, timeout=timeout) try: dest_file = open(filename, 'wb') try: shutil.copyfileobj(src_file, dest_file) finally: dest_file.close() finally: src_file.close()
[docs]def hash(type, input=None): """ Returns an hash object of type md5 or sha1. This function is implemented in order to encapsulate hash objects in a way that is compatible with python 2.4 and python 2.6 without warnings. Note that even though python 2.6 hashlib supports hash types other than md5 and sha1, we are artificially limiting the input values in order to make the function to behave exactly the same among both python implementations. :param input: Optional input string that will be used to update the hash. """ if type not in ['md5', 'sha1']: raise ValueError("Unsupported hash type: %s" % type) try: hash = except NameError: if type == 'md5': hash = elif type == 'sha1': hash = if input: hash.update(input) return hash
[docs]def get_file(src, dest, permissions=None): """Get a file from src, which can be local or a remote URL""" if src == dest: return if is_url(src): urlretrieve(src, dest) else: shutil.copyfile(src, dest) if permissions: os.chmod(dest, permissions) return dest
[docs]def unmap_url(srcdir, src, destdir='.'): """ Receives either a path to a local file or a URL. returns either the path to the local file, or the fetched URL unmap_url('/usr/src', 'foo.tar', '/tmp') = '/usr/src/foo.tar' unmap_url('/usr/src', 'http://site/file', '/tmp') = '/tmp/file' (after retrieving it) """ if is_url(src): url_parts = urlparse.urlparse(src) filename = os.path.basename(url_parts[2]) dest = os.path.join(destdir, filename) return get_file(src, dest) else: return os.path.join(srcdir, src)
[docs]def update_version(srcdir, preserve_srcdir, new_version, install, *args, **dargs): """ Make sure srcdir is version new_version If not, delete it and install() the new version. In the preserve_srcdir case, we just check it's up to date, and if not, we rerun install, without removing srcdir """ versionfile = os.path.join(srcdir, '.version') install_needed = True if os.path.exists(versionfile): old_version = pickle.load(open(versionfile)) if old_version == new_version: install_needed = False if install_needed: if not preserve_srcdir and os.path.exists(srcdir): shutil.rmtree(srcdir) module_name = os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(srcdir)) module_parent = os.path.dirname(srcdir) base_autotest = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(module_parent, "..", "..")) tmp_autotest = os.path.join(base_autotest, 'tmp') tests_dir = os.path.join(base_autotest, 'tests') site_tests_dir = os.path.join(base_autotest, 'site_tests') tmp_site_tests_dir = os.path.join(tmp_autotest, 'site_tests') profilers_dir = os.path.join(base_autotest, 'profilers') other_tests_dir = settings.get_value("COMMON", "test_dir", default="") source_code_dir = "" for d in [other_tests_dir, tmp_site_tests_dir, site_tests_dir, tests_dir, profilers_dir]: source_code_dir = os.path.join(d, module_name, "src") if os.path.isdir(source_code_dir): break if not os.path.isdir(srcdir): tdir = os.path.dirname(srcdir) if not os.path.isdir(tdir): os.makedirs(tdir) if os.path.isdir(source_code_dir): shutil.copytree(source_code_dir, srcdir) else: os.mkdir(srcdir) patch_file_list = glob.glob(os.path.join( (os.path.dirname(source_code_dir)), "*.patch")) for patch_src in patch_file_list: patch_dst = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(srcdir), os.path.basename(patch_src)) shutil.copyfile(patch_src, patch_dst) install(*args, **dargs) pickle.dump(new_version, open(versionfile, 'w'))
[docs]def get_stderr_level(stderr_is_expected): if stderr_is_expected: return DEFAULT_STDOUT_LEVEL return DEFAULT_STDERR_LEVEL
[docs]def run(command, timeout=None, ignore_status=False, stdout_tee=None, stderr_tee=None, verbose=True, stdin=None, stderr_is_expected=None, args=()): """ Run a command on the host. :param command: the command line string. :param timeout: time limit in seconds before attempting to kill the running process. The run() function will take a few seconds longer than 'timeout' to complete if it has to kill the process. :param ignore_status: do not raise an exception, no matter what the exit code of the command is. :param stdout_tee: optional file-like object to which stdout data will be written as it is generated (data will still be stored in result.stdout). :param stderr_tee: likewise for stderr. :param verbose: if True, log the command being run. :param stdin: stdin to pass to the executed process (can be a file descriptor, a file object of a real file or a string). :param args: sequence of strings of arguments to be given to the command inside " quotes after they have been escaped for that; each element in the sequence will be given as a separate command argument :return: a CmdResult object :raise CmdError: the exit code of the command execution was not 0 """ if isinstance(args, basestring): raise TypeError('Got a string for the "args" keyword argument, ' 'need a sequence.') for arg in args: command += ' "%s"' % sh_escape(arg) if stderr_is_expected is None: stderr_is_expected = ignore_status bg_job = join_bg_jobs( (BgJob(command, stdout_tee, stderr_tee, verbose, stdin=stdin, stderr_level=get_stderr_level(stderr_is_expected)),), timeout)[0] if not ignore_status and bg_job.result.exit_status: raise error.CmdError(command, bg_job.result, "Command returned non-zero exit status") return bg_job.result
[docs]def run_parallel(commands, timeout=None, ignore_status=False, stdout_tee=None, stderr_tee=None): """ Behaves the same as run() with the following exceptions: - commands is a list of commands to run in parallel. - ignore_status toggles whether or not an exception should be raised on any error. :return: a list of CmdResult objects """ bg_jobs = [] for command in commands: bg_jobs.append(BgJob(command, stdout_tee, stderr_tee, stderr_level=get_stderr_level(ignore_status))) # Updates objects in bg_jobs list with their process information join_bg_jobs(bg_jobs, timeout) for bg_job in bg_jobs: if not ignore_status and bg_job.result.exit_status: raise error.CmdError(command, bg_job.result, "Command returned non-zero exit status") return [bg_job.result for bg_job in bg_jobs]
[docs]class InterruptedThread(Thread): """ Run a function in a background thread. """ def __init__(self, target, args=(), kwargs={}): """ Initialize the instance. :param target: Function to run in the thread. :param args: Arguments to pass to target. :param kwargs: Keyword arguments to pass to target. """ Thread.__init__(self) self._target = target self._args = args self._kwargs = kwargs
[docs] def run(self): """ Run target (passed to the constructor). No point in calling this function directly. Call start() to make this function run in a new thread. """ self._e = None self._retval = None try: try: self._retval = self._target(*self._args, **self._kwargs) except Exception: self._e = sys.exc_info() raise finally: # Avoid circular references (start() may be called only once so # it's OK to delete these) del self._target, self._args, self._kwargs
[docs] def join(self, timeout=None, suppress_exception=False): """ Join the thread. If target raised an exception, re-raise it. Otherwise, return the value returned by target. :param timeout: Timeout value to pass to threading.Thread.join(). :param suppress_exception: If True, don't re-raise the exception. """ Thread.join(self, timeout) try: if self._e: if not suppress_exception: # Because the exception was raised in another thread, we # need to explicitly insert the current context into it s = error.exception_context(self._e[1]) s = error.join_contexts(error.get_context(), s) error.set_exception_context(self._e[1], s) raise self._e[0], self._e[1], self._e[2] else: return self._retval finally: # Avoid circular references (join() may be called multiple times # so we can't delete these) self._e = None self._retval = None
[docs]def run_bg(command): """Function deprecated. Please use BgJob class instead.""" bg_job = BgJob(command) return bg_job.sp, bg_job.result
[docs]def join_bg_jobs(bg_jobs, timeout=None): """Joins the bg_jobs with the current thread. Returns the same list of bg_jobs objects that was passed in. """ ret, timeout_error = 0, False for bg_job in bg_jobs: bg_job.output_prepare(StringIO.StringIO(), StringIO.StringIO()) try: # We are holding ends to stdin, stdout pipes # hence we need to be sure to close those fds no mater what start_time = time.time() timeout_error = _wait_for_commands(bg_jobs, start_time, timeout) for bg_job in bg_jobs: # Process stdout and stderr bg_job.process_output(stdout=True, final_read=True) bg_job.process_output(stdout=False, final_read=True) finally: # close our ends of the pipes to the sp no matter what for bg_job in bg_jobs: bg_job.cleanup() if timeout_error: # TODO: This needs to be fixed to better represent what happens when # running in parallel. However this is backwards compatible, so it will # do for the time being. raise error.CmdError(bg_jobs[0].command, bg_jobs[0].result, "Command(s) did not complete within %d seconds" % timeout) return bg_jobs
def _wait_for_commands(bg_jobs, start_time, timeout): # This returns True if it must return due to a timeout, otherwise False. # To check for processes which terminate without producing any output # a 1 second timeout is used in select. SELECT_TIMEOUT = 1 read_list = [] write_list = [] reverse_dict = {} for bg_job in bg_jobs: read_list.append(bg_job.sp.stdout) read_list.append(bg_job.sp.stderr) reverse_dict[bg_job.sp.stdout] = (bg_job, True) reverse_dict[bg_job.sp.stderr] = (bg_job, False) if bg_job.string_stdin is not None: write_list.append(bg_job.sp.stdin) reverse_dict[bg_job.sp.stdin] = bg_job if timeout: stop_time = start_time + timeout time_left = stop_time - time.time() else: time_left = None # so that select never times out while not timeout or time_left > 0: # select will return when we may write to stdin or when there is # stdout/stderr output we can read (including when it is # EOF, that is the process has terminated). read_ready, write_ready, _ =, write_list, [], SELECT_TIMEOUT) # has to be used instead of # which will otherwise block for file_obj in read_ready: bg_job, is_stdout = reverse_dict[file_obj] bg_job.process_output(is_stdout) for file_obj in write_ready: # we can write PIPE_BUF bytes without blocking # POSIX requires PIPE_BUF is >= 512 bg_job = reverse_dict[file_obj] file_obj.write(bg_job.string_stdin[:512]) bg_job.string_stdin = bg_job.string_stdin[512:] # no more input data, close stdin, remove it from the select set if not bg_job.string_stdin: file_obj.close() write_list.remove(file_obj) del reverse_dict[file_obj] all_jobs_finished = True for bg_job in bg_jobs: if bg_job.result.exit_status is not None: continue bg_job.result.exit_status = bg_job.sp.poll() if bg_job.result.exit_status is not None: # process exited, remove its stdout/stdin from the select set bg_job.result.duration = time.time() - start_time read_list.remove(bg_job.sp.stdout) read_list.remove(bg_job.sp.stderr) del reverse_dict[bg_job.sp.stdout] del reverse_dict[bg_job.sp.stderr] else: all_jobs_finished = False if all_jobs_finished: return False if timeout: time_left = stop_time - time.time() # Kill all processes which did not complete prior to timeout for bg_job in bg_jobs: if bg_job.result.exit_status is not None: continue logging.warn('run process timeout (%s) fired on: %s', timeout, bg_job.command) nuke_subprocess(bg_job.sp) bg_job.result.exit_status = bg_job.sp.poll() bg_job.result.duration = time.time() - start_time return True
[docs]def get_children_pids(ppid): """ Get all PIDs of children/threads of parent ppid param ppid: parent PID return: list of PIDs of all children/threads of ppid """ return (system_output("ps -L --ppid=%d -o lwp" % ppid).split('\n')[1:])
[docs]def pid_is_alive(pid): """ True if process pid exists and is not yet stuck in Zombie state. Zombies are impossible to move between cgroups, etc. pid can be integer, or text of integer. """ path = '/proc/%s/stat' % pid try: stat = read_one_line(path) except IOError: if not os.path.exists(path): # file went away return False raise return stat.split()[2] != 'Z'
[docs]def signal_pid(pid, sig): """ Sends a signal to a process id. Returns True if the process terminated successfully, False otherwise. """ try: os.kill(pid, sig) except OSError: # The process may have died before we could kill it. pass for i in range(5): if not pid_is_alive(pid): return True time.sleep(1) # The process is still alive return False
[docs]def nuke_subprocess(subproc): # check if the subprocess is still alive, first if subproc.poll() is not None: return subproc.poll() # the process has not terminated within timeout, # kill it via an escalating series of signals. signal_queue = [signal.SIGTERM, signal.SIGKILL] for sig in signal_queue: signal_pid(, sig) if subproc.poll() is not None: return subproc.poll()
[docs]def nuke_pid(pid, signal_queue=(signal.SIGTERM, signal.SIGKILL)): # the process has not terminated within timeout, # kill it via an escalating series of signals. for sig in signal_queue: if signal_pid(pid, sig): return # no signal successfully terminated the process raise error.AutoservRunError('Could not kill %d' % pid, None)
[docs]def system(command, timeout=None, ignore_status=False, verbose=True): """ Run a command :param timeout: timeout in seconds :param ignore_status: if ignore_status=False, throw an exception if the command's exit code is non-zero if ignore_status=True, return the exit code. :param verbose: if True, log the command being run. :return: exit status of command (note, this will always be zero unless ignore_status=True) """ return run(command, timeout=timeout, ignore_status=ignore_status, stdout_tee=TEE_TO_LOGS, stderr_tee=TEE_TO_LOGS, verbose=verbose).exit_status
[docs]def system_parallel(commands, timeout=None, ignore_status=False): """This function returns a list of exit statuses for the respective list of commands.""" return [bg_jobs.exit_status for bg_jobs in run_parallel(commands, timeout=timeout, ignore_status=ignore_status, stdout_tee=TEE_TO_LOGS, stderr_tee=TEE_TO_LOGS)]
[docs]def system_output(command, timeout=None, ignore_status=False, retain_output=False, args=(), verbose=True): """ Run a command and return the stdout output. :param command: command string to execute. :param timeout: time limit in seconds before attempting to kill the running process. The function will take a few seconds longer than 'timeout' to complete if it has to kill the process. :param ignore_status: do not raise an exception, no matter what the exit code of the command is. :param retain_output: set to True to make stdout/stderr of the command output to be also sent to the logging system :param args: sequence of strings of arguments to be given to the command inside " quotes after they have been escaped for that; each element in the sequence will be given as a separate command argument :param verbose: if True, log the command being run. :return: a string with the stdout output of the command. """ if retain_output: out = run(command, timeout=timeout, ignore_status=ignore_status, stdout_tee=TEE_TO_LOGS, stderr_tee=TEE_TO_LOGS, verbose=verbose, args=args).stdout else: out = run(command, timeout=timeout, ignore_status=ignore_status, verbose=verbose, args=args).stdout if out[-1:] == '\n': out = out[:-1] return out
[docs]def system_output_parallel(commands, timeout=None, ignore_status=False, retain_output=False): if retain_output: out = [bg_job.stdout for bg_job in run_parallel(commands, timeout=timeout, ignore_status=ignore_status, stdout_tee=TEE_TO_LOGS, stderr_tee=TEE_TO_LOGS)] else: out = [bg_job.stdout for bg_job in run_parallel(commands, timeout=timeout, ignore_status=ignore_status)] for x in out: if out[-1:] == '\n': out = out[:-1] return out
[docs]class ForAll(list): def __getattr__(self, name): def wrapper(*args, **kargs): return map(lambda o: o.__getattribute__(name)(*args, **kargs), self) return wrapper
[docs]class ForAllP(list): """ Parallel version of ForAll """ def __getattr__(self, name): def wrapper(*args, **kargs): threads = [] for o in self: threads.append(InterruptedThread(o.__getattribute__(name), args=args, kwargs=kargs)) for t in threads: t.start() return map(lambda t: t.join(), threads) return wrapper
[docs]class ForAllPSE(list): """ Parallel version of and suppress exception. """ def __getattr__(self, name): def wrapper(*args, **kargs): threads = [] for o in self: threads.append(InterruptedThread(o.__getattribute__(name), args=args, kwargs=kargs)) for t in threads: t.start() result = [] for t in threads: ret = {} try: ret["return"] = t.join() except Exception: ret["exception"] = sys.exc_info() ret["args"] = args ret["kargs"] = kargs result.append(ret) return result return wrapper
[docs]def etraceback(prep, exc_info): """ Enhanced Traceback formats traceback into lines "prep: line\nname: line" :param prep: desired line preposition :param exc_info: sys.exc_info of the exception :return: string which contains beautifully formatted exception """ out = "" for line in traceback.format_exception(exc_info[0], exc_info[1], exc_info[2]): out += "%s: %s" % (prep, line) return out
[docs]def log_last_traceback(msg=None, log=logging.error): """ Writes last traceback into specified log. :param msg: Override the default message. ["Original traceback"] :param log: Where to log the traceback [logging.error] """ if not log: log = logging.error if msg: log(msg) exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info() if not exc_traceback: log('Requested log_last_traceback but no exception was raised.') return log("Original " + "".join(traceback.format_exception(exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback)))
[docs]def strip_unicode(input): if type(input) == list: return [strip_unicode(i) for i in input] elif type(input) == dict: output = {} for key in input.keys(): output[str(key)] = strip_unicode(input[key]) return output elif type(input) == unicode: return str(input) else: return input
[docs]def get_cpu_percentage(function, *args, **dargs): """Returns a tuple containing the CPU% and return value from function call. This function calculates the usage time by taking the difference of the user and system times both before and after the function call. """ child_pre = resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_CHILDREN) self_pre = resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF) start = time.time() to_return = function(*args, **dargs) elapsed = time.time() - start self_post = resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF) child_post = resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_CHILDREN) # Calculate CPU Percentage s_user, s_system = [a - b for a, b in zip(self_post, self_pre)[:2]] c_user, c_system = [a - b for a, b in zip(child_post, child_pre)[:2]] cpu_percent = (s_user + c_user + s_system + c_system) / elapsed return cpu_percent, to_return
[docs]class SystemLoad(object): """ Get system and/or process values and return average value of load. """ def __init__(self, pids, advanced=False, time_step=0.1, cpu_cont=False, use_log=False): """ :param pids: List of pids to be monitored. If pid = 0 whole system will be monitored. pid == 0 means whole system. :param advanced: monitor add value for system irq count and softirq for process minor and maior page fault :param time_step: Time step for continuous monitoring. :param cpu_cont: If True monitor CPU load continuously. :param use_log: If true every monitoring is logged for dump. """ self.pids = [] self.stats = {} for pid in pids: if pid == 0: cpu = FileFieldMonitor("/proc/stat", [("cpu", 0), # User Time ("cpu", 2), # System Time ("intr", 0), # IRQ Count ("softirq", 0)], # Soft IRQ Count True, cpu_cont, use_log, " +", time_step) mem = FileFieldMonitor("/proc/meminfo", [("MemTotal:", 0), # Mem Total ("MemFree:", 0), # Mem Free ("Buffers:", 0), # Buffers ("Cached:", 0)], # Cached False, True, use_log, " +", time_step) self.stats[pid] = ["TOTAL", cpu, mem] self.pids.append(pid) else: name = "" if (type(pid) is int): self.pids.append(pid) name = get_process_name(pid) else: self.pids.append(pid[0]) name = pid[1] cpu = FileFieldMonitor("/proc/%d/stat" % self.pids[-1], [("", 13), # User Time ("", 14), # System Time ("", 9), # Minority Page Fault ("", 11)], # Majority Page Fault True, cpu_cont, use_log, " +", time_step) mem = FileFieldMonitor("/proc/%d/status" % self.pids[-1], [("VmSize:", 0), # Virtual Memory Size ("VmRSS:", 0), # Resident Set Size ("VmPeak:", 0), # Peak VM Size ("VmSwap:", 0)], # VM in Swap False, True, use_log, " +", time_step) self.stats[self.pids[-1]] = [name, cpu, mem] self.advanced = advanced def __str__(self): """ Define format how to print """ out = "" for pid in self.pids: for stat in self.stats[pid][1:]: out += str(stat.get_status()) + "\n" return out
[docs] def start(self, pids=[]): """ Start monitoring of the process system usage. :param pids: List of PIDs you intend to control. Use pids=[] to control all defined PIDs. """ if pids == []: pids = self.pids for pid in pids: for stat in self.stats[pid][1:]: stat.start()
[docs] def stop(self, pids=[]): """ Stop monitoring of the process system usage. :param pids: List of PIDs you intend to control. Use pids=[] to control all defined PIDs. """ if pids == []: pids = self.pids for pid in pids: for stat in self.stats[pid][1:]: stat.stop()
[docs] def dump(self, pids=[]): """ Get the status of monitoring. :param pids: List of PIDs you intend to control. Use pids=[] to control all defined PIDs. :return: tuple([cpu load], [memory load]): ([(PID1, (PID1_cpu_meas)), (PID2, (PID2_cpu_meas)), ...], [(PID1, (PID1_mem_meas)), (PID2, (PID2_mem_meas)), ...]) PID1_cpu_meas: average_values[], test_time, cont_meas_values[[]], time_step PID1_mem_meas: average_values[], test_time, cont_meas_values[[]], time_step where average_values[] are the measured values (mem_free,swap,...) which are described in SystemLoad.__init__()-FileFieldMonitor. cont_meas_values[[]] is a list of average_values in the sampling times. """ if pids == []: pids = self.pids cpus = [] memory = [] for pid in pids: stat = (pid, self.stats[pid][1].get_status()) cpus.append(stat) for pid in pids: stat = (pid, self.stats[pid][2].get_status()) memory.append(stat) return (cpus, memory)
[docs] def get_cpu_status_string(self, pids=[]): """ Convert status to string array. :param pids: List of PIDs you intend to control. Use pids=[] to control all defined PIDs. :return: String format to table. """ if pids == []: pids = self.pids headers = ["NAME", ("%7s") % "PID", ("%5s") % "USER", ("%5s") % "SYS", ("%5s") % "SUM"] if self.advanced: headers.extend(["MINFLT/IRQC", "MAJFLT/SOFTIRQ"]) headers.append(("%11s") % "TIME") textstatus = [] for pid in pids: stat = self.stats[pid][1].get_status() time = stat[1] stat = stat[0] textstatus.append(["%s" % self.stats[pid][0], "%7s" % pid, "%4.0f%%" % (stat[0] / time), "%4.0f%%" % (stat[1] / time), "%4.0f%%" % ((stat[0] + stat[1]) / time), "%10.3fs" % time]) if self.advanced: textstatus[-1].insert(-1, "%11d" % stat[2]) textstatus[-1].insert(-1, "%14d" % stat[3]) return matrix_to_string(textstatus, tuple(headers))
[docs] def get_mem_status_string(self, pids=[]): """ Convert status to string array. :param pids: List of PIDs you intend to control. Use pids=[] to control all defined PIDs. :return: String format to table. """ if pids == []: pids = self.pids headers = ["NAME", ("%7s") % "PID", ("%8s") % "TOTAL/VMSIZE", ("%8s") % "FREE/VMRSS", ("%8s") % "BUFFERS/VMPEAK", ("%8s") % "CACHED/VMSWAP", ("%11s") % "TIME"] textstatus = [] for pid in pids: stat = self.stats[pid][2].get_status() time = stat[1] stat = stat[0] textstatus.append(["%s" % self.stats[pid][0], "%7s" % pid, "%10dMB" % (stat[0] / 1024), "%8dMB" % (stat[1] / 1024), "%12dMB" % (stat[2] / 1024), "%11dMB" % (stat[3] / 1024), "%10.3fs" % time]) return matrix_to_string(textstatus, tuple(headers))
[docs]def get_arch(run_function=run): """ Get the hardware architecture of the machine. run_function is used to execute the commands. It defaults to but a custom method (if provided) should be of the same schema as It should return a CmdResult object and throw a CmdError exception. """ arch = run_function('/bin/uname -m').stdout.rstrip() if re.match(r'i\d86$', arch): arch = 'i386' return arch
[docs]def get_num_logical_cpus_per_socket(run_function=run): """ Get the number of cores (including hyperthreading) per cpu. run_function is used to execute the commands. It defaults to but a custom method (if provided) should be of the same schema as It should return a CmdResult object and throw a CmdError exception. """ siblings = run_function('grep "^siblings" /proc/cpuinfo').stdout.rstrip() num_siblings = map(int, re.findall(r'^siblings\s*:\s*(\d+)\s*$', siblings, re.M)) if len(num_siblings) == 0: raise error.TestError('Unable to find siblings info in /proc/cpuinfo') if min(num_siblings) != max(num_siblings): raise error.TestError('Number of siblings differ %r' % num_siblings) return num_siblings[0]
[docs]def merge_trees(src, dest): """ Merges a source directory tree at 'src' into a destination tree at 'dest'. If a path is a file in both trees than the file in the source tree is APPENDED to the one in the destination tree. If a path is a directory in both trees then the directories are recursively merged with this function. In any other case, the function will skip the paths that cannot be merged (instead of failing). """ if not os.path.exists(src): return # exists only in dest elif not os.path.exists(dest): if os.path.isfile(src): shutil.copy2(src, dest) # file only in src else: shutil.copytree(src, dest, symlinks=True) # dir only in src return elif os.path.isfile(src) and os.path.isfile(dest): # src & dest are files in both trees, append src to dest destfile = open(dest, "a") try: srcfile = open(src) try: destfile.write( finally: srcfile.close() finally: destfile.close() elif os.path.isdir(src) and os.path.isdir(dest): # src & dest are directories in both trees, so recursively merge for name in os.listdir(src): merge_trees(os.path.join(src, name), os.path.join(dest, name)) else: # src & dest both exist, but are incompatible return
[docs]class CmdResult(object): """ Command execution result. command: String containing the command line itself exit_status: Integer exit code of the process stdout: String containing stdout of the process stderr: String containing stderr of the process duration: Elapsed wall clock time running the process """ def __init__(self, command="", stdout="", stderr="", exit_status=None, duration=0): self.command = command self.exit_status = exit_status self.stdout = stdout self.stderr = stderr self.duration = duration def __repr__(self): wrapper = textwrap.TextWrapper(width=78, initial_indent="\n ", subsequent_indent=" ") stdout = self.stdout.rstrip() if stdout: stdout = "\nstdout:\n%s" % stdout stderr = self.stderr.rstrip() if stderr: stderr = "\nstderr:\n%s" % stderr return ("* Command: %s\n" "Exit status: %s\n" "Duration: %s\n" "%s" "%s" % (wrapper.fill(self.command), self.exit_status, self.duration, stdout, stderr))
[docs]class run_randomly: def __init__(self, run_sequentially=False): # Run sequentially is for debugging control files self.test_list = [] self.run_sequentially = run_sequentially
[docs] def add(self, *args, **dargs): test = (args, dargs) self.test_list.append(test)
[docs] def run(self, fn): while self.test_list: test_index = random.randint(0, len(self.test_list) - 1) if self.run_sequentially: test_index = 0 (args, dargs) = self.test_list.pop(test_index) fn(*args, **dargs)
[docs]def import_site_module(path, module, dummy=None, modulefile=None): """ Try to import the site specific module if it exists. :param path full filename of the source file calling this (ie __file__) :param module full module name :param dummy dummy value to return in case there is no symbol to import :param modulefile module filename :return: site specific module or dummy :raise ImportError if the site file exists but imports fails """ short_module = module[module.rfind(".") + 1:] if not modulefile: modulefile = short_module + ".py" if os.path.exists(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(path), modulefile)): return __import__(module, {}, {}, [short_module]) return dummy
[docs]def import_site_symbol(path, module, name, dummy=None, modulefile=None): """ Try to import site specific symbol from site specific file if it exists :param path full filename of the source file calling this (ie __file__) :param module full module name :param name symbol name to be imported from the site file :param dummy dummy value to return in case there is no symbol to import :param modulefile module filename :return: site specific symbol or dummy :raise ImportError if the site file exists but imports fails """ module = import_site_module(path, module, modulefile=modulefile) if not module: return dummy # special unique value to tell us if the symbol can't be imported cant_import = object() obj = getattr(module, name, cant_import) if obj is cant_import: logging.debug("unable to import site symbol '%s', using non-site " "implementation", name) return dummy return obj
[docs]def import_site_class(path, module, classname, baseclass, modulefile=None): """ Try to import site specific class from site specific file if it exists Args: path: full filename of the source file calling this (ie __file__) module: full module name classname: class name to be loaded from site file baseclass: base class object to return when no site file present or to mixin when site class exists but is not inherited from baseclass modulefile: module filename Returns: baseclass if site specific class does not exist, the site specific class if it exists and is inherited from baseclass or a mixin of the site specific class and baseclass when the site specific class exists and is not inherited from baseclass Raises: ImportError if the site file exists but imports fails """ res = import_site_symbol(path, module, classname, None, modulefile) if res: if not issubclass(res, baseclass): # if not a subclass of baseclass then mix in baseclass with the # site specific class object and return the result res = type(classname, (res, baseclass), {}) else: res = baseclass return res
[docs]def import_site_function(path, module, funcname, dummy, modulefile=None): """ Try to import site specific function from site specific file if it exists Args: path: full filename of the source file calling this (ie __file__) module: full module name funcname: function name to be imported from site file dummy: dummy function to return in case there is no function to import modulefile: module filename Returns: site specific function object or dummy Raises: ImportError if the site file exists but imports fails """ return import_site_symbol(path, module, funcname, dummy, modulefile)
[docs]def get_pid_path(program_name, pid_files_dir=None): if pid_files_dir is None: pid_files_dir = settings.get_value("SERVER", 'pid_files_dir', default="") if not pid_files_dir: base_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__) pid_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(base_dir, "..", "..", "" % program_name)) else: pid_path = os.path.join(pid_files_dir, "" % program_name) return pid_path
[docs]def write_pid(program_name, pid_files_dir=None): """ Try to drop <program_name>.pid in the main autotest directory. Args: program_name: prefix for file name """ pidfile = open(get_pid_path(program_name, pid_files_dir), "w") try: pidfile.write("%s\n" % os.getpid()) finally: pidfile.close()
[docs]def delete_pid_file_if_exists(program_name, pid_files_dir=None): """ Tries to remove <program_name>.pid from the main autotest directory. """ pidfile_path = get_pid_path(program_name, pid_files_dir) try: os.remove(pidfile_path) except OSError: if not os.path.exists(pidfile_path): return raise
[docs]def get_pid_from_file(program_name, pid_files_dir=None): """ Reads the pid from <program_name>.pid in the autotest directory. :param program_name the name of the program :return: the pid if the file exists, None otherwise. """ pidfile_path = get_pid_path(program_name, pid_files_dir) if not os.path.exists(pidfile_path): return None pidfile = open(get_pid_path(program_name, pid_files_dir), 'r') try: try: pid = int(pidfile.readline()) except IOError: if not os.path.exists(pidfile_path): return None raise finally: pidfile.close() return pid
[docs]def get_process_name(pid): """ Get process name from PID. :param pid: PID of process. """ return get_field(read_file("/proc/%d/stat" % pid), 1)[1:-1]
[docs]def program_is_alive(program_name, pid_files_dir=None): """ Checks if the process is alive and not in Zombie state. :param program_name the name of the program :return: True if still alive, False otherwise """ pid = get_pid_from_file(program_name, pid_files_dir) if pid is None: return False return pid_is_alive(pid)
[docs]def signal_program(program_name, sig=signal.SIGTERM, pid_files_dir=None): """ Sends a signal to the process listed in <program_name>.pid :param program_name the name of the program :param sig signal to send """ pid = get_pid_from_file(program_name, pid_files_dir) if pid: signal_pid(pid, sig)
[docs]def get_relative_path(path, reference): """Given 2 absolute paths "path" and "reference", compute the path of "path" as relative to the directory "reference". :param path the absolute path to convert to a relative path :param reference an absolute directory path to which the relative path will be computed """ # normalize the paths (remove double slashes, etc) assert(os.path.isabs(path)) assert(os.path.isabs(reference)) path = os.path.normpath(path) reference = os.path.normpath(reference) # we could use os.path.split() but it splits from the end path_list = path.split(os.path.sep)[1:] ref_list = reference.split(os.path.sep)[1:] # find the longest leading common path for i in xrange(min(len(path_list), len(ref_list))): if path_list[i] != ref_list[i]: # decrement i so when exiting this loop either by no match or by # end of range we are one step behind i -= 1 break i += 1 # drop the common part of the paths, not interested in that anymore del path_list[:i] # for each uncommon component in the reference prepend a ".." path_list[:0] = ['..'] * (len(ref_list) - i) return os.path.join(*path_list)
[docs]def sh_escape(command): """ Escape special characters from a command so that it can be passed as a double quoted (" ") string in a (ba)sh command. Args: command: the command string to escape. Returns: The escaped command string. The required englobing double quotes are NOT added and so should be added at some point by the caller. See also: """ command = command.replace("\\", "\\\\") command = command.replace("$", r'\$') command = command.replace('"', r'\"') command = command.replace('`', r'\`') return command
[docs]def configure(extra=None, configure='./configure'): """ Run configure passing in the correct host, build, and target options. :param extra: extra command line arguments to pass to configure :param configure: which configure script to use """ args = [] if 'CHOST' in os.environ: args.append('--host=' + os.environ['CHOST']) if 'CBUILD' in os.environ: args.append('--build=' + os.environ['CBUILD']) if 'CTARGET' in os.environ: args.append('--target=' + os.environ['CTARGET']) if extra: args.append(extra) system('%s %s' % (configure, ' '.join(args)))
[docs]def make(extra='', make='make', timeout=None, ignore_status=False): """ Run make, adding MAKEOPTS to the list of options. :param extra: extra command line arguments to pass to make. """ cmd = '%s %s %s' % (make, os.environ.get('MAKEOPTS', ''), extra) return system(cmd, timeout=timeout, ignore_status=ignore_status)
[docs]def compare_versions(ver1, ver2): """Version number comparison between ver1 and ver2 strings. >>> compare_tuple("1", "2") -1 >>> compare_tuple("foo-1.1", "foo-1.2") -1 >>> compare_tuple("1.2", "1.2a") -1 >>> compare_tuple("1.2b", "1.2a") 1 >>> compare_tuple("", "") -1 Args: ver1: version string ver2: version string Returns: int: 1 if ver1 > ver2 0 if ver1 == ver2 -1 if ver1 < ver2 """ ax = re.split('[.-]', ver1) ay = re.split('[.-]', ver2) while len(ax) > 0 and len(ay) > 0: cx = ax.pop(0) cy = ay.pop(0) maxlen = max(len(cx), len(cy)) c = cmp(cx.zfill(maxlen), cy.zfill(maxlen)) if c != 0: return c return cmp(len(ax), len(ay))
[docs]def args_to_dict(args): """Convert autoserv extra arguments in the form of key=val or key:val to a dictionary. Each argument key is converted to lowercase dictionary key. Args: args - list of autoserv extra arguments. Returns: dictionary """ arg_re = re.compile(r'(\w+)[:=](.*)$') dict = {} for arg in args: match = arg_re.match(arg) if match: dict[] = else: logging.warning("args_to_dict: argument '%s' doesn't match " "'%s' pattern. Ignored." % (arg, arg_re.pattern)) return dict
[docs]def get_unused_port(): """ Finds a semi-random available port. A race condition is still possible after the port number is returned, if another process happens to bind it. Returns: A port number that is unused on both TCP and UDP. """ def try_bind(port, socket_type, socket_proto): s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket_type, socket_proto) try: try: s.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) s.bind(('', port)) return s.getsockname()[1] except socket.error: return None finally: s.close() # On the 2.6 kernel, calling try_bind() on UDP socket returns the # same port over and over. So always try TCP first. while True: # Ask the OS for an unused port. port = try_bind(0, socket.SOCK_STREAM, socket.IPPROTO_TCP) # Check if this port is unused on the other protocol. if port and try_bind(port, socket.SOCK_DGRAM, socket.IPPROTO_UDP): return port
[docs]def ask(question, auto=False): """ Raw input with a prompt that emulates logging. :param question: Question to be asked :param auto: Whether to return "y" instead of asking the question """ if auto:"%s (y/n) y" % question) return "y" return raw_input("%s INFO | %s (y/n) " % (time.strftime("%H:%M:%S", time.localtime()), question))
[docs]def display_data_size(size): ''' Display data size in human readable units. :type size: int :param size: Data size, in Bytes. :return: Human readable string with data size. ''' prefixes = ['B', 'kB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB'] i = 0 while size > 1000.0: size /= 1000.0 i += 1 return '%.2f %s' % (size, prefixes[i])
[docs]def cpu_affinity_by_task(pid, vcpu_pid): """ This function returns the allowed cpus from the proc entry for each vcpu's through its task id for a pid(of a VM) """ cmd = "cat /proc/%s/task/%s/status|grep Cpus_allowed:| awk '{print $2}'" % (pid, vcpu_pid) output = system_output(cmd, ignore_status=False) return output
[docs]def convert_data_size(size, default_sufix='B'): ''' Convert data size from human readable units to an int of arbitrary size. :param size: Human readable data size representation (string). :param default_sufix: Default sufix used to represent data. :return: Int with data size in the appropriate order of magnitude. ''' orders = {'B': 1, 'K': 1024, 'M': 1024 * 1024, 'G': 1024 * 1024 * 1024, 'T': 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024, } order = re.findall("([BbKkMmGgTt])", size[-1]) if not order: size += default_sufix order = [default_sufix] return int(float(size[0:-1]) * orders[order[0].upper()])
[docs]def interactive_download(url, output_file, title='', chunk_size=100 * 1024): ''' Interactively downloads a given file url to a given output file :type url: string :param url: URL for the file to be download :type output_file: string :param output_file: file name or absolute path on which to save the file to :type title: string :param title: optional title to go along the progress bar :type chunk_size: integer :param chunk_size: amount of data to read at a time ''' output_dir = os.path.dirname(output_file) output_file = open(output_file, 'w+b') input_file = urllib2.urlopen(url) try: file_size = int(input_file.headers['Content-Length']) except KeyError: raise ValueError('Could not find file size in HTTP headers')'Downloading %s, %s to %s', os.path.basename(url), display_data_size(file_size), output_dir) # Calculate progress bar size based on title size if title: width = progressbar.ProgressBar.DEFAULT_WIDTH - len(title) progress_bar = progressbar.ProgressBar(maximum=file_size, width=width, title=title) else: progress_bar = progressbar.ProgressBar(maximum=file_size) # Download the file, while interactively updating the progress progress_bar.update_screen() while True: data = if data: progress_bar.increment(len(data)) output_file.write(data) else: progress_bar.update(file_size) print break output_file.close()
[docs]def generate_random_string(length, ignore_str=string.punctuation, convert_str=""): """ Return a random string using alphanumeric characters. :param length: Length of the string that will be generated. :param ignore_str: Characters that will not include in generated string. :param convert_str: Characters that need to be escaped (prepend "\\"). :return: The generated random string. """ r = random.SystemRandom() str = "" chars = string.letters + string.digits + string.punctuation if not ignore_str: ignore_str = "" for i in ignore_str: chars = chars.replace(i, "") while length > 0: tmp = r.choice(chars) if convert_str and (tmp in convert_str): tmp = "\\%s" % tmp str += tmp length -= 1 return str
[docs]def safe_rmdir(path, timeout=10): """ Try to remove a directory safely, even on NFS filesystems. Sometimes, when running an autotest client test on an NFS filesystem, when not all filedescriptors are closed, NFS will create some temporary files, that will make shutil.rmtree to fail with error 39 (directory not empty). So let's keep trying for a reasonable amount of time before giving up. :param path: Path to a directory to be removed. :type path: string :param timeout: Time that the function will try to remove the dir before giving up (seconds) :type timeout: int :raises: OSError, with errno 39 in case after the timeout shutil.rmtree could not successfuly complete. If any attempt to rmtree fails with errno different than 39, that exception will be just raised. """ assert os.path.isdir(path), "Invalid directory to remove %s" % path step = int(timeout / 10) start_time = time.time() success = False attempts = 0 while int(time.time() - start_time) < timeout: attempts += 1 try: shutil.rmtree(path) success = True break except OSError, err_info: # We are only going to try if the error happened due to # directory not empty (errno 39). Otherwise, raise the # original exception. if err_info.errno != 39: raise time.sleep(step) if not success: raise OSError(39, "Could not delete directory %s " "after %d s and %d attempts." % (path, timeout, attempts))
[docs]def get_archive_tarball_name(source_dir, tarball_name, compression): ''' Get the name for a tarball file, based on source, name and compression ''' if tarball_name is None: tarball_name = os.path.basename(source_dir) if not tarball_name.endswith('.tar'): tarball_name = '%s.tar' % tarball_name if compression and not tarball_name.endswith('.%s' % compression): tarball_name = '%s.%s' % (tarball_name, compression) return tarball_name
[docs]def archive_as_tarball(source_dir, dest_dir, tarball_name=None, compression='bz2', verbose=True): ''' Saves the given source directory to the given destination as a tarball If the name of the archive is omitted, it will be taken from the source_dir. If it is an absolute path, dest_dir will be ignored. But, if both the destination directory and tarball anem is given, and the latter is not an absolute path, they will be combined. For archiving directory '/tmp' in '/net/server/backup' as file 'tmp.tar.bz2', simply use: >>> utils_misc.archive_as_tarball('/tmp', '/net/server/backup') To save the file it with a different name, say 'host1-tmp.tar.bz2' and save it under '/net/server/backup', use: >>> utils_misc.archive_as_tarball('/tmp', '/net/server/backup', 'host1-tmp') To save with gzip compression instead (resulting in the file '/net/server/backup/host1-tmp.tar.gz'), use: >>> utils_misc.archive_as_tarball('/tmp', '/net/server/backup', 'host1-tmp', 'gz') ''' tarball_name = get_archive_tarball_name(source_dir, tarball_name, compression) if not os.path.isabs(tarball_name): tarball_path = os.path.join(dest_dir, tarball_name) else: tarball_path = tarball_name if verbose: logging.debug('Archiving %s as %s' % (source_dir, tarball_path)) os.chdir(os.path.dirname(source_dir)) tarball = tarfile.TarFile(name=tarball_path, mode='w') tarball =, mode='w:%s' % compression) tarball.add(os.path.basename(source_dir)) tarball.close()
[docs]class VersionableClass(object): """ VersionableClass provides class hierarchy which automatically select right version of class. Class manipulation is used for this reason. By this reason is: Advantage) Only one version is working in one process. Class is changed in whole process. Disadvantage) Only one version is working in one process. Example of usage (in utils_unittest): class FooC(object): pass #Not implemented get_version -> not used for versioning. class VCP(FooC, VersionableClass): def __new__(cls, *args, **kargs): VCP.master_class = VCP return super(VCP, cls).__new__(cls, *args, **kargs) def foo(self): pass class VC2(VCP, VersionableClass): @staticmethod def get_version(): return "get_version_from_system" @classmethod def is_right_version(cls, version): if version is not None: if "version is satisfied": return True return False def func1(self): print "func1" def func2(self): print "func2" # get_version could be inherited. class VC3(VC2, VersionableClass): @classmethod def is_right_version(cls, version): if version is not None: if "version+1 is satisfied": return True return False def func2(self): print "func2_2" class M(VCP): pass m = M() # <- When class is constructed the right version is # automatically selected. In this case VC3 is selected. m.func2() # call VC3.func2(m) m.func1() # call VC2.func1(m) # call # When controlled "program" version is changed then is necessary call check_repair_versions or recreate object. m.check_repair_versions() # priority of class. (change place where is method searched first in group # of verisonable class.) class PP(VersionableClass): def __new__(cls, *args, **kargs): PP.master_class = PP return super(PP, cls).__new__(cls, *args, **kargs) class PP2(PP, VersionableClass): @staticmethod def get_version(): return "get_version_from_system" @classmethod def is_right_version(cls, version): if version is not None: if "version is satisfied": return True return False def func1(self): print "PP func1" class N(VCP, PP): pass n = N() n.func1() # -> "func2" n.set_priority_class(PP, [VCP, PP]) n.func1() # -> "PP func1" Necessary for using: 1) Subclass of versionable class must have implemented class methods get_version and is_right_version. These two methods are necessary for correct version section. Class without this method will be never chosen like suitable class. 2) Every class derived from master_class have to add to class definition inheritance from VersionableClass. Direct inheritance from Versionable Class is use like a mark for manipulation with VersionableClass. 3) Master of VersionableClass have to defined class variable cls.master_class. """ def __new__(cls, *args, **kargs): cls.check_repair_versions() return super(VersionableClass, cls).__new__(cls, *args, **kargs) # VersionableClass class management class. @classmethod
[docs] def check_repair_versions(cls, master_classes=None): """ Check version of versionable class and if version not match repair version to correct version. :param master_classes: Check and repair only master_class. :type master_classes: list. """ if master_classes is None: master_classes = cls._find_versionable_baseclass() for base in master_classes: cls._check_repair_version_class(base)
[docs] def set_priority_class(cls, prioritized_class, group_classes): """ Set class priority. Limited only for change bases class priority inside one subclass.__bases__ after that continue to another class. """ def change_position(ccls): if not VersionableClass in ccls.__bases__: bases = list(ccls.__bases__) index = None remove_variant = None for i, item in enumerate(ccls.__bases__): if (VersionableClass in item.__bases__ and item.master_class in group_classes): if index is None: index = i if item.master_class is prioritized_class: remove_variant = item bases.remove(item) break else: return bases.insert(index, remove_variant) ccls.__bases__ = tuple(bases) def find_cls(ccls): change_position(ccls) for base in ccls.__bases__: find_cls(base) find_cls(cls)
@classmethod def _check_repair_version_class(cls, master_class): version = None for class_version in master_class._find_versionable_subclass(): try: version = class_version.get_version() if class_version.is_right_version(version): cls._switch_by_class(class_version) break except NotImplementedError: continue else: cls._switch_by_class(class_version) @classmethod def _find_versionable_baseclass(cls): """ Find versionable class in master class. """ ver_class = [] for superclass in cls.mro(): if VersionableClass in superclass.__bases__: ver_class.append(superclass.master_class) return set(ver_class) @classmethod def _find_versionable_subclass(cls): """ Find versionable subclasses which subclass.master_class == cls """ subclasses = [cls] for sub in cls.__subclasses__(): if VersionableClass in list(sub.__bases__): subclasses.extend(sub._find_versionable_subclass()) return subclasses @classmethod def _switch_by_class(cls, new_class): """ Finds all class with same master_class as new_class in class tree and replaces them by new_class. :param new_class: Class for replacing. """ def find_replace_class(bases): for base in bases: if (VersionableClass in base.__bases__ and base.master_class == new_class.master_class): bnew = list(bases) bnew[bnew.index(base)] = new_class return tuple(bnew) else: bnew = find_replace_class(base.__bases__) if bnew: base.__bases__ = bnew bnew = find_replace_class(cls.__bases__) if bnew: cls.__bases__ = bnew # Method defined in part below must be defined in # verisonable class subclass. @classmethod
[docs] def get_version(cls): """ Get version of installed OpenVSwtich. Must be re-implemented for in child class. :return: Version or None when get_version is unsuccessful. """ raise NotImplementedError("Method 'get_verison' must be" " implemented in child class")
[docs] def is_right_version(cls, version): """ Check condition for select control class. Function must be re-implemented in new OpenVSwitchControl class. Must be re-implemented for in child class. :param version: version of OpenVSwtich """ raise NotImplementedError("Method 'is_right_version' must be" " implemented in child class")
if os.path.exists(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '')): # Here we are importing site utils only if it exists # pylint: disable=E0611 from autotest.client.shared.site_utils import *