Linux Distribution Detection

Autotest has a facility that lets tests determine quite precisely the distribution they’re running on.

This is done through the implementation and registration of probe classes.

Those probe classes can check for given characteristics of the running operating system, such as the existence of a release file, its contents or even the existence of a binary that is exclusive to a distribution (such as package managers).

Quickly detecting the Linux Distribution

The autotest.client.shared.distro module provides many APIs, but the simplest one to use is the detect().

Its usage is quite straighforward:

>>> from autotest.client.shared import distro
>>> detected_distro = distro.detect()

The returned distro can be the result of a probe validating the distribution detection, or the not so useful UNKNOWN_DISTRO.

To access the relevant data on a LinuxDistro, simply use the attributes:

  • name
  • version
  • release
  • arch


>>> detected_distro = distro.detect()
>>> print

The unknown Linux Distribution

When the detection mechanism can’t precily detect the Linux Distribution, it will still return a LinuxDistro instance, but a special one that contains special values for its name, version, etc.

autotest.client.shared.distro.UNKNOWN_DISTRO = <LinuxDistro: name=unknown, version=0, release=0, arch=unknown>

The distribution that is used when the exact one could not be found

Writing a Linux Distribution Probe

The easiest way to write a probe for your target Linux Distribution is to make use of the features of the Probe class.

Even if you do plan to use the features documented here, keep in mind that all probes should inherit from Probe and provide a basic interface.

Checking the Distrution name only

The most trivial probe is one that checks the existence of a file and returns the distribution name:

class RedHatProbe(Probe):
    CHECK_FILE = '/etc/redhat-release'

To make use of a probe, it’s necessary to register it:

>>> from autotest.client.shared import distro
>>> distro.register_probe(RedHatProbe)

And that’s it. This is a valid example, but will give you nothing but the distro name.

You should usually aim for more information, such as the version numbers.

Checking the Distribution name and version numbers

If you want to also detect the distro version numbers (and you should), then it’s possible to use the Probe.CHECK_VERSION_REGEX feature of the Probe class.


A regular expresion that will be run on the file pointed to by CHECK_FILE_EXISTS

If your regex has two or more groups, that is, it will look for and save references to two or more string, it will consider the second group to be the LinuxDistro.release number.

Probe Scores

To increase the accuracy of the probe results, it’s possible to register a score for a probe. If a probe wants to, it can register a score for itself.

Probes that return a score will be given priority over probes that don’t.

The score should be based on the number of checks that ran during the probe to account for its accuracy.

Probes should not be given a higher score because their checks look more precise than everyone else’s.

Registering your own probes

Not only the probes that ship with autotest can be used, but your custom probe classes can be added to the detection system.

To do that simply call the function register_probe():


Register a probe to be run during autodetection

Now, remember that for things to happen smootlhy your registered probe must be a subclass of Probe.

API Reference


class autotest.client.shared.distro.LinuxDistro(name, version, release, arch)[source]

Simple collection of information for a Linux Distribution


class autotest.client.shared.distro.Probe[source]

Probes the machine and does it best to confirm it’s the right distro


Points to a file that can determine if this machine is running a given Linux Distribution. This servers a first check that enables the extra checks to carry on.


Sets the content that should be checked on the file pointed to by CHECK_FILE_EXISTS. Leave it set to None (its default) to check only if the file exists, and not check its contents


The name of the Linux Distribution to be returned if the file defined by CHECK_FILE_EXISTS exist.


A regular expresion that will be run on the file pointed to by CHECK_FILE_EXISTS


Checks if this class will look for a file and return a distro

The conditions that must be true include the file that identifies the distro file being set (CHECK_FILE) and the name of the distro to be returned (CHECK_FILE_DISTRO_NAME)


Checks if this class will look for text on a file and return a distro

The conditions that must be true include the file that identifies the distro file being set (CHECK_FILE), the text to look for inside the distro file (CHECK_FILE_CONTAINS) and the name of the distro to be returned (CHECK_FILE_DISTRO_NAME)


Checks if this has the conditions met to look for the release number


Checks if this class will look for a regex in file and return a distro


Returns the LinuxDistro this probe detected


Get the distro name if the CHECK_FILE is set and exists


Get the distro if the CHECK_FILE is set and has content


Returns the release of the distro


Returns the version of the distro



Register a probe to be run during autodetection



Attempts to detect the Linux Distribution running on this machine

Returns:the detected LinuxDistro or UNKNOWN_DISTRO
Return type:LinuxDistro