Source code for autotest.client.bkr_proxy

# Copyright (C) 2011 Jan Stancek <>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA

# Started by Jan Stancek <> 2011
bkr_proxy - class used to talk to beaker
__author__ = """Don Zickus 2013"""

import logging
import os
import re
import time
import urllib
import urllib2

from autotest.client.shared import utils

log = logging

AUTOTEST_CACHE_DIR = '/var/cache/autotest'

[docs]class BkrProxyException(Exception): def __init__(self, text): Exception.__init__(self, text)
'''Hard coded internal paths'''
[docs]def make_path_cmdlog(r): """ Converts a recipe id into an internal path for logging purposes :param r: recipe id :return: a path to the internal command log """ path = AUTOTEST_CACHE_DIR + '/recipes/' + r if not os.path.exists(path): os.makedirs(path) if not os.path.isdir(path): raise BkrProxyException("Path(%s) exists and is not a directory" % path) return path + '/cmd_log'
[docs]def make_path_bkrcache(r): """ Converts a recipe id into an internal path for cache'ing recipe :param r: recipe id :return: a path to the internal recipe cache file """ return AUTOTEST_CACHE_DIR + '/recipes/' + r + '/beaker_recipe.cache'
'''End Hard coded internal paths''' """ Hard coded paths as described in the Beaker Server API """
[docs]def make_path_recipe(r): """ Converts a recipe id into a beaker path :param r: recipe id :return: a beaker path to the recipe id """ return '/recipes/' + r
[docs]def make_path_watchdog(r): """ Converts a recipe id into a beaker path for the watchdog :param r: recipe id :return: a beaker path of the recipe's watchdog file """ return '/recipes/' + r + '/watchdog'
[docs]def make_path_status(r, t=None): """ Converts id into a beaker path to status file Given a recipe id and/or a task id, translate them into the proper beaker path to the status file. Recipe only, returns the path to the recipe's status, whereas including a task returns the path to the task's status. :param r: recipe id :param t: task id :return: a beaker path of the recipe's/task's status file """ rpath = '/recipes/' + r tpath = t and '/tasks/' + t or '' return rpath + tpath + '/status'
[docs]def make_path_result(r, t): """ Converts task id into a beaker path to result file Given a recipe id and a task id, translate them into the proper beaker path to the result file. :param r: recipe id :param t: task id :return: a beaker path of the task's result file """ rpath = '/recipes/' + r tpath = '/tasks/' + t return rpath + tpath + '/results/'
[docs]def make_path_log(r, t=None, i=None): """ Converts id into a beaker path to log file Given a recipe id, a task id, and/or result id, translate them into the proper beaker path to the log file. Depending on which log file is needed, provide the appropriate params. Note the dependency, a result id needs a task id and recipe id, while a task id needs a recipe id. :param r: recipe id :param t: task id :param i: result id :return: a beaker path of the task's result file """ rpath = '/recipes/' + r tpath = t and '/tasks/' + t or '' ipath = i and '/results/' + i or '' return rpath + tpath + ipath + '/logs'
'''End Hard coded paths'''
[docs]def copy_remote(data, dest, use_put=None): """ Copy data to a remote server using http calls POST or PUT Using http POST and PUT methods, copy data over http. To use PUT method, provide a dictionary of values to be populated in the Content-Range and Content-Length headers. Otherwise default is to use POST method. Traps on HTTPError 500 and 400 :param data: encoded data string to copy remotely :param dest: remote server URL :param use_put: dictionary of items if using PUT method :return: html header info for post processing """ ret = None req = urllib2.Request(dest, data=data) if use_put: req.add_header('Content-Type', 'application/octet-stream') end = use_put['start'] + use_put['size'] - 1 req.add_header('Content-Range', 'bytes %s-%s/%s' % (use_put['start'], end, use_put['total'])) req.add_header('Content-Length', '%s' % use_put['size']) req.get_method = lambda: 'PUT' try: res = utils.urlopen(req) ret = res.close() except urllib2.HTTPError, e: if e.code == 500: # the server aborted this recipe DIE DIE DIE raise BkrProxyException("We have been aborted!!!") elif e.code == 400 and use_put: log.error("Error(%s) failed to upload file %s" % (e.code, dest)) return ret
[docs]def copy_local(data, dest, use_put=None): """ Copy data locally to a file To aid in debugging, copy a file locally to verify the contents. Attempts to write the same data that would otherwise be sent remotely. :param data: encoded data string to copy locally :param dest: local file path :param use_put: chooses to write in binary or text :return: nothing """ dpath = os.path.dirname(dest) if not os.path.isdir(dpath): os.makedirs(dpath) if use_put: open(dest, 'ab').write(data) else: open(dest, 'a').write("%s %s\n" % (time.time(), data))
[docs]def copy_data(data, dest, header=None, use_put=None): """ Copy data to a destination To aid in debugging, copy a file locally to verify the contents. Attempts to write the same data that would otherwise be sent remotely. :param data: data string to copy :param dest: destination path :param header: header info item to return :param use_put: dictionary of items for PUT method :return: nothing or header info if requested """ ret = None # PUT uses a filename instead of a list like POST if use_put: udata = data else: udata = urllib.urlencode(data) if utils.is_url(dest): ret = copy_remote(udata, dest, use_put) if header: return ret[header] else: if header: ret = dest + str(time.time()) # should be unique dest = ret + "/_task_result" copy_local(udata, dest, use_put) return ret
[docs]class BkrProxy(object): def __init__(self, recipe_id, labc_url=None): # labc_url determines local or remote functionality self.labc_url = labc_url or AUTOTEST_CACHE_DIR self.recipe_id = recipe_id if not labc_url: path = self.labc_url + make_path_recipe(self.recipe_id)'Writing offline files to %s' % path) path = make_path_cmdlog(self.recipe_id) self.cmd_log = open(path, 'a', 0) def _upload_file(self, lf, rp, r, t=None, i=None): if not os.path.isfile(lf): raise BkrProxyException("Bad file - %s" % lf) lfile = os.path.basename(lf) path = self.labc_url + make_path_log(r, t, i) + rp + '/' + lfile # copy in chunks chunksize = 262144 start = 0 total = os.path.getsize(lf) use_put = {'total': total} f = open(lf, 'r') def readchunk(): return for d in iter(readchunk, ''): use_put['start'] = start use_put['size'] = len(d) copy_data(d, path, use_put=use_put) start += len(d) if total == 0: use_put['start'] = 0 use_put['size'] = 0 copy_data('', path, use_put=use_put) f.close()
[docs] def recipe_upload_file(self, localfile, remotepath=''): self.cmd_log.write('recipe_upload_file: localfile=%s, remotepath=%s\n' % (localfile, remotepath)) self._upload_file(localfile, remotepath, self.recipe_id)
[docs] def task_upload_file(self, task_id, localfile, remotepath=''): self.cmd_log.write('task_upload_file: task_id(%s) localfile=%s, remotepath=%s\n' % (task_id, localfile, remotepath)) self._upload_file(localfile, remotepath, self.recipe_id, task_id)
[docs] def result_upload_file(self, task_id, result_id, localfile, remotepath=''): self.cmd_log.write('result_upload_file: task_id(%s), result_id(%s)' ' localfile=%s, remotepath=%s\n' % (task_id, result_id, localfile, remotepath)) self._upload_file(localfile, remotepath, self.recipe_id, task_id, result_id)
[docs] def get_recipe(self): self.cmd_log.write('get_recipe: GET %s\n' % self.recipe_id) path = make_path_bkrcache(self.recipe_id) try: rpath = self.labc_url + make_path_recipe(self.recipe_id) utils.get_file(rpath, path) except Exception: # local will fall through to here if not os.path.isfile(path): raise BkrProxyException("No remote or cached recipe %s" % self.recipe_id) return open(path, 'r').read()
[docs] def task_result(self, task_id, result_type, result_path, result_score, result_summary): self.cmd_log.write('task_result: task_id(%s) result: %s, score: %s, summary: %s\n' 'path: %s\n' % (task_id, result_type, result_score, result_summary, result_path)) data = {'result': result_type, 'path': result_path, 'score': result_score, 'message': result_summary} path = self.labc_url + make_path_result(self.recipe_id, task_id) ret = copy_data(data, path, header='Location') # strip the path and return just the id return re.sub(path, "", ret)
[docs] def task_start(self, task_id, kill_time=0): self.cmd_log.write('task_start: task_id(%s) kill_time(%s) RUNNING\n' % (task_id, kill_time)) data = {'status': 'Running'} self.update_watchdog(task_id, kill_time) path = self.labc_url + make_path_status(self.recipe_id, task_id) copy_data(data, path)
[docs] def task_stop(self, task_id): self.cmd_log.write('task_stop: task_id(%s) COMPLETED\n' % task_id) data = {'status': 'Completed'} path = self.labc_url + make_path_status(self.recipe_id, task_id) copy_data(data, path)
[docs] def task_abort(self, task_id): self.cmd_log.write('task_abort: task_id(%s) ABORTED\n' % task_id) data = {'status': 'Aborted'} path = self.labc_url + make_path_status(self.recipe_id, task_id) copy_data(data, path)
[docs] def recipe_stop(self): self.cmd_log.write('recipe_stop: recipe_id(%s) COMPLETED\n' % self.recipe_id) data = {'status': 'Completed'} path = self.labc_url + make_path_status(self.recipe_id) copy_data(data, path)
[docs] def recipe_abort(self): self.cmd_log.write('recipe_abort: recipe_id(%s) ABORTED\n' % self.recipe_id) data = {'status': 'Aborted'} path = self.labc_url + make_path_status(self.recipe_id) copy_data(data, path)
[docs] def update_watchdog(self, task_id, kill_time): self.cmd_log.write('update_watchdog: task_id(%s) killtime(%s)\n' % (task_id, kill_time)) data = {'seconds': kill_time} if not kill_time or kill_time == 0: return if kill_time < 0: raise BkrProxyException("Illegal kill time - %s" % kill_time) path = self.labc_url + make_path_watchdog(self.recipe_id) copy_data(data, path)
if __name__ == '__main__': pass