Source code for autotest.client.shared.distro

This module provides the client facilities to detect the Linux Distribution
it's running under.

This is a replacement for the get_os_vendor() function from the utils module.

import os
import platform
import re

__all__ = ['LinuxDistro',

# pylint: disable=R0903
[docs]class LinuxDistro(object): ''' Simple collection of information for a Linux Distribution ''' def __init__(self, name, version, release, arch): ''' Initializes a new Linux Distro :param name: a short name that precisely distinguishes this Linux Distribution among all others. :type name: str :param version: the major version of the distribution. Usually this is a single number that denotes a large development cycle and support file. :type version: str :param release: the release or minor version of the distribution. Usually this is also a single number, that is often omitted or starts with a 0 when the major version is initially release. It's ofter associated with a shorter development cycle that contains incremental a collection of improvements and fixes. :type release: str :param arch: the main target for this Linux Distribution. It's common for some architectures to ship with packages for previous and still compatible architectures, such as it's the case with Intel/AMD 64 bit architecture that support 32 bit code. In cases like this, this should be set to the 64 bit architecture name. :type arch: str ''' = name self.version = version self.release = release self.arch = arch def __repr__(self): return '<LinuxDistro: name=%s, version=%s, release=%s, arch=%s>' % (, self.version, self.release, self.arch)
[docs]class Probe(object): ''' Probes the machine and does it best to confirm it's the right distro ''' #: Points to a file that can determine if this machine is running a given #: Linux Distribution. This servers a first check that enables the extra #: checks to carry on. CHECK_FILE = None #: Sets the content that should be checked on the file pointed to by #: :attr:`CHECK_FILE_EXISTS`. Leave it set to `None` (its default) #: to check only if the file exists, and not check its contents CHECK_FILE_CONTAINS = None #: The name of the Linux Distribution to be returned if the file defined #: by :attr:`CHECK_FILE_EXISTS` exist. CHECK_FILE_DISTRO_NAME = None #: A regular expresion that will be run on the file pointed to by #: :attr:`CHECK_FILE_EXISTS` CHECK_VERSION_REGEX = None def __init__(self): self.score = 0
[docs] def check_name_for_file(self): ''' Checks if this class will look for a file and return a distro The conditions that must be true include the file that identifies the distro file being set (:attr:`CHECK_FILE`) and the name of the distro to be returned (:attr:`CHECK_FILE_DISTRO_NAME`) ''' if self.CHECK_FILE is None: return False if self.CHECK_FILE_DISTRO_NAME is None: return False return True
[docs] def name_for_file(self): ''' Get the distro name if the :attr:`CHECK_FILE` is set and exists ''' if self.check_name_for_file(): if os.path.exists(self.CHECK_FILE): return self.CHECK_FILE_DISTRO_NAME
[docs] def check_name_for_file_contains(self): ''' Checks if this class will look for text on a file and return a distro The conditions that must be true include the file that identifies the distro file being set (:attr:`CHECK_FILE`), the text to look for inside the distro file (:attr:`CHECK_FILE_CONTAINS`) and the name of the distro to be returned (:attr:`CHECK_FILE_DISTRO_NAME`) ''' if self.CHECK_FILE is None: return False if self.CHECK_FILE_CONTAINS is None: return False if self.CHECK_FILE_DISTRO_NAME is None: return False return True
[docs] def name_for_file_contains(self): ''' Get the distro if the :attr:`CHECK_FILE` is set and has content ''' if self.check_name_for_file_contains(): if os.path.exists(self.CHECK_FILE): for line in open(self.CHECK_FILE).readlines(): if self.CHECK_FILE_CONTAINS in line: return self.CHECK_FILE_DISTRO_NAME
[docs] def check_version(self): ''' Checks if this class will look for a regex in file and return a distro ''' if self.CHECK_FILE is None: return False if self.CHECK_VERSION_REGEX is None: return False return True
def _get_version_match(self): ''' Returns the match result for the version regex on the file content ''' if self.check_version(): if os.path.exists(self.CHECK_FILE): version_file_content = open(self.CHECK_FILE).read() else: return None return self.CHECK_VERSION_REGEX.match(version_file_content)
[docs] def version(self): ''' Returns the version of the distro ''' version = UNKNOWN_DISTRO_VERSION match = self._get_version_match() if match is not None: if match.groups() > 0: version = match.groups()[0] return version
[docs] def check_release(self): ''' Checks if this has the conditions met to look for the release number ''' return (self.check_version() and self.CHECK_VERSION_REGEX.groups > 1)
[docs] def release(self): ''' Returns the release of the distro ''' release = UNKNOWN_DISTRO_RELEASE match = self._get_version_match() if match is not None: if match.groups() > 1: release = match.groups()[1] return release
[docs] def get_distro(self): ''' Returns the :class:`LinuxDistro` this probe detected ''' name = None version = UNKNOWN_DISTRO_VERSION release = UNKNOWN_DISTRO_RELEASE arch = UNKNOWN_DISTRO_ARCH distro = None if self.check_name_for_file(): name = self.name_for_file() self.score += 1 if self.check_name_for_file_contains(): name = self.name_for_file_contains() self.score += 1 if self.check_version(): version = self.version() self.score += 1 if self.check_release(): release = self.release() self.score += 1 # can't think of a better way to do this arch = os.uname()[4] # name is the first thing that should be identified. If we don't know # the distro name, we don't bother checking for versions if name is not None: distro = LinuxDistro(name, version, release, arch) else: distro = UNKNOWN_DISTRO return distro
class StdLibProbe(Probe): ''' Probe that uses the Python standard library builtin detection This Probe has a lower score on purporse, serving as a fallback if no explicit (and hopefully more accurate) probe exists. ''' def get_distro(self): name = None version = UNKNOWN_DISTRO_VERSION release = UNKNOWN_DISTRO_RELEASE arch = UNKNOWN_DISTRO_ARCH d_name, d_version_release, d_codename = platform.dist() if d_name: name = d_name if '.' in d_version_release: d_version, d_release = d_version_release.split('.', 1) version = d_version release = d_release else: version = d_version_release arch = os.uname()[4] if name is not None: distro = LinuxDistro(name, version, release, arch) else: distro = UNKNOWN_DISTRO return distro class RedHatProbe(Probe): ''' Probe with version checks for Red Hat Enterprise Linux systems ''' CHECK_FILE = '/etc/redhat-release' CHECK_FILE_CONTAINS = 'Red Hat' CHECK_FILE_DISTRO_NAME = 'redhat' CHECK_VERSION_REGEX = re.compile( r'Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release (\d{1,2})\.(\d{1,2}).*') class CentosProbe(RedHatProbe): ''' Probe with version checks for CentOS systems ''' CHECK_FILE = '/etc/redhat-release' CHECK_FILE_CONTAINS = 'CentOS' CHECK_FILE_DISTRO_NAME = 'centos' CHECK_VERSION_REGEX = re.compile(r'CentOS release (\d{1,2})\.(\d{1,2}).*') class FedoraProbe(RedHatProbe): ''' Probe with version checks for Fedora systems ''' CHECK_FILE = '/etc/fedora-release' CHECK_FILE_CONTAINS = 'Fedora' CHECK_FILE_DISTRO_NAME = 'fedora' CHECK_VERSION_REGEX = re.compile(r'Fedora release (\d{1,2}).*') class DebianProbe(Probe): ''' Simple probe with file checks for Debian systems ''' CHECK_FILE = '/etc/debian-version' CHECK_FILE_DISTRO_NAME = 'debian' class UbuntuProbe(Probe): ''' Simple probe with file checks for Ubuntu systems ''' CHECK_FILE = '/etc/os-release' CHECK_FILE_CONTAINS = 'Ubuntu' CHECK_FILE_DISTRO_NAME = 'ubuntu' CHECK_VERSION_REGEX = re.compile(r'VERSION_ID="(\d+.\d+)"') class SuseProbe(Probe): CHECK_FILE = '/etc/SuSE-release' CHECK_FILE_DISTRO_NAME = 'sles' CHECK_VERSION_REGEX = re.compile(r'SUSE.*\nVERSION = (.*)\nPATCHLEVEL = (.*)') #: the complete list of probes that have been registered REGISTERED_PROBES = []
[docs]def register_probe(probe_class): ''' Register a probe to be run during autodetection ''' if probe_class not in REGISTERED_PROBES: REGISTERED_PROBES.append(probe_class)
register_probe(RedHatProbe) register_probe(CentosProbe) register_probe(FedoraProbe) register_probe(DebianProbe) register_probe(UbuntuProbe) register_probe(SuseProbe) register_probe(StdLibProbe)
[docs]def detect(): ''' Attempts to detect the Linux Distribution running on this machine :returns: the detected :class:`LinuxDistro` or :data:`UNKNOWN_DISTRO` :rtype: :class:`LinuxDistro` ''' results = [] for probe_class in REGISTERED_PROBES: probe_instance = probe_class() distro_result = probe_instance.get_distro() if distro_result is not UNKNOWN_DISTRO: results.append((distro_result, probe_instance)) results.sort(key=lambda t: t[1].score) if len(results) > 0: distro = results[-1][0] else: distro = UNKNOWN_DISTRO return distro
class Spec(object): ''' Describes a distro, usually for setting minimum distro requirements ''' def __init__(self, name, min_version=None, min_release=None, arch=None): = name self.min_version = min_version self.min_release = min_release self.arch = arch