Source code for autotest.client.shared.progressbar

Basic text progress bar without fancy curses features

__all__ = ['ProgressBar']

[docs]class ProgressBar: ''' Displays interactively the progress of a given task Inspired/adapted from recipe #168639 ''' DEFAULT_WIDTH = 77 def __init__(self, minimum=0, maximum=100, width=DEFAULT_WIDTH, title=''): ''' Initializes a new progress bar :type mininum: integer :param mininum: mininum (initial) value on the progress bar :type maximum: integer :param maximum: maximum (final) value on the progress bar :type width: integer :param with: number of columns, that is screen width ''' assert maximum > minimum self.minimum = minimum self.maximum = maximum self.range = maximum - minimum self.width = width self.title = title self.current_amount = minimum self.update(minimum)
[docs] def increment(self, increment, update_screen=True): ''' Increments the current amount value ''' self.update(self.current_amount + increment, update_screen)
[docs] def update(self, amount, update_screen=True): ''' Performs sanity checks and update the current amount ''' if amount < self.minimum: amount = self.minimum if amount > self.maximum: amount = self.maximum self.current_amount = amount if update_screen: self.update_screen()
[docs] def get_screen_text(self): ''' Builds the actual progress bar text ''' diff = float(self.current_amount - self.minimum) done = (diff / float(self.range)) * 100.0 done = int(round(done)) all = self.width - 2 hashes = (done / 100.0) * all hashes = int(round(hashes)) hashes_text = '#' * hashes spaces_text = ' ' * (all - hashes) screen_text = "[%s%s]" % (hashes_text, spaces_text) percent_text = "%s%%" % done percent_text_len = len(percent_text) percent_position = (len(screen_text) / 2) - percent_text_len screen_text = (screen_text[:percent_position] + percent_text + screen_text[percent_position + percent_text_len:]) if self.title: screen_text = '%s: %s' % (self.title, screen_text) return screen_text
[docs] def update_screen(self): ''' Prints the updated text to the screen ''' print self.get_screen_text(), '\r',