Source code for

Program that parses autotest metrics results and prints them to stdout,
so that the jenkins measurement-plots plugin can parse them.

  Steve Conklin <>
  Brad Figg <>
 Copyright (C) 2012 Canonical Ltd.

 This script is distributed under the terms and conditions of the GNU General
 Public License, Version 2 or later. See
 for details.
import json
import os
from datetime import datetime
from getopt import getopt, GetoptError
from sys import argv, stderr

[docs]def main(path): # under here is a "results" directory # The file we care about are: # results/default/testname/results/keyval metrics = {} results = {} metricFileList = [] try: jobname = os.environ["JOB_NAME"] except KeyError: raise KeyError("Env variable JOB_NAME is not set, are you running this inside a jenkins job?") try: testname = os.environ["TEST_NAME"] except KeyError: raise KeyError("Env variable TEST_NAME is not set, are you running this inside the kernel test scripts?") if path is None: path = "autotest/client" # grab the metadata file_name = "test-attributes.json" if os.path.exists(file_name): f_obj = open(file_name, 'r') meta = json.load(f_obj) f_obj.close() else: meta = {} print >> stderr, "ERROR: file <%s> not found, no metadata included in metrics" % file_name # Save a processing timestamp meta['results_processed'] = datetime.utcnow().strftime("%A, %d. %B %Y %H:%M UTC") meta['metrics_testname'] = testname # Gather results resultsdir = os.path.join(path, "results/default") # Now iterate over each subdirectory in the resultsdir, looking for keyval file subtestresults = os.listdir(resultsdir) for subtest in subtestresults: keyvalpath = os.path.join(resultsdir, subtest, "results/keyval") if os.path.exists(keyvalpath): metricFileList.append(keyvalpath) for filenm in metricFileList: fd = open(filenm, "r") lines = fd.readlines() for line in lines: p = line.strip().split('=') if len(p) != 2: continue metrics[p[0]] = p[1] results['meta'] = meta results['metrics'] = metrics print json.dumps(results, sort_keys=True, indent=4) return
[docs]def usage(): print " \n", print " %s \n" % argv[0], print " reads result files from an autotest benchmark, and outputs the information as \n", print " json data. \n", print " \n", print " Usage: \n", print " %s \n" % argv[0], print " \n", print " Options: \n", print " --help Prints this text. \n", print " \n", print " --path=<results_path> The path to the results files \n" print " (defaults to workspace/[jobname]/autotest/client). \n", print " \n",
if __name__ == "__main__": # process command line optsShort = '' optsLong = ['help', 'path='] opts, args = getopt(argv[1:], optsShort, optsLong) path = None attrs = {} try: for opt, val in opts: if (opt == '--help'): usage() elif opt in ('--path'): path = val.strip() except GetoptError: usage() main(path)